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Implementing EVA Results
  • 30 Jan 2025
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Implementing EVA Results

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Implementing EVA results.

Lastly, after you did the EVA, you need to close the loop by calculating the NID for the Corrosion Schedule

Approve the Calculation Summary

The Calculation Summary summarizes the different methods (e.g. IMS, IDAP, time-based, etc.) and the associated NIDs. This Summary must be Calculated and Approved to determine a NID for the Corrosion Schedule:

  • Go to the Calculation Summary, either on the EVA page or Circuit details page.
  • Specify if the EVA NID will take part in the horserace by checking the box. For EVA the Driving Strat, as well as the CI on which the calculations are based, is indicated in the Calc Summary.
  • First, click the Save button, to Save the Calc Summary changes.
  • Then, click the Calculate button, to recalculate the Calc Summary.
    Cal Summary with EVA row.

  • The IMS Calculated NID still takes part in the horserace. This is the most conservative options, since the worst CR will govern the NID. However, if desired, IMS Calculated can be removed from the horserace, by going to the Circuit details page, and checking the Ignore Calculation Interval box (under NID Calculation).
  • When done, Approve the Calc Summary.

This generates a new Corrosion Schedule with a NID.

Take Note
If EVA is recalculated, the EVA result may differ from the EVA result in the Calc Summary. A warning will then appear in the Calc Summary. To use the new EVA result, the Calc Summary must, again, be Calculated and Approved. Also, if you later decide to remove (or add) EVA to the Cal Summary horse race, by unchecking (checking) the box, you will also have to Save, Calculate and Approve, again.

Linking EVA CR to RBI

Currently, when the Circuit is linked to an RBI Component, RBI can use the driving CML’s CR (or a selected CR) to calculate RL, but the driving EVA Strat’s CR is not available to RBI for the RL calc. Thus, to use the EVA CR, you must specify this CR directly in RBI (see Estimate RL - Degradation Management Step 6).


When the Corrosion Schedule is due, the process repeats:

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