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Example: Bulk importing measurement data (starting with Circuit creation)
  • 12 Mar 2025
  • 11 Minutes to read
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Example: Bulk importing measurement data (starting with Circuit creation)

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Article summary

This article provides a step-by-step example from creating a Circuit, to creating the CMLs, to creating the Measurement Points, to adding the measurement data, all via bulk import. In the example we will import data for a Vessel Equipment.

Creating Circuits via bulk import

First we need to create a Circuit. Circuits can be created manually in IMS but in this example, we cover the bulk import of data, so all creations will be done through import templates.

To download import templates, we go to Settings\Data Transfer\Import Data and Download the Circuit template.

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Below you can see the filled-in Circuit template.

Template details

Yellow columns are mandatory.

Column A: Equipment ID

First, we need to identify IMS Equipment for which we are importing measurement data.

Column B: SAP Equipment Nr.

If the Equipment has a Sap Equipment number, it can be inserted here.

Column C: Circuit

Here we are naming our Circuit. It is advised to use some rules when naming the Circuit ID. E.g.:




Primary Circuit ID designator, regardless of Equipment group or material.


Separates different material from primary Circuit ID A. In some cases, can use to separate CMLs with higher CR as the main Circuit A.


Unstable Corrosion Deadlegs


Injection Points.


Mixing Points.


Tank roof.


Stable corrosive Deadlges with different material from primary Deadlegs


Primary Circuit ID for stable corrosive Deadlegs

In this case we are using value “A” to name our Circuit.

Column D: Inspection Reason

Inspection Reason of the Circuit. When the inheritance is active the Inspection Reason is inherited from the FLOC. The Inspection Reason determines the Time-Based Interval (see Calculation Summary) and if PERF is used. The CLASS 4 Inspection Reason will never apply PERF.

Column E: Suggested Corrosion Rate [mm/yr]

Suggested rate, when Default is used the rate is based on the default rate based on Equipment Group.

Equipment Group

Default Calculation Method

Default Suggested CR

Default IF

Air-cooler, Bundle, Furnace, Incinerator & Pipe/System


(PLR, PSR, Circuit AverageDSCF and Linear Regression)

0.127 mm/y (5 mpy)


Other Equipment

(2) PLR, PSR, LR

(PLR, PSR, Linear Regression)

0.0762 mm/y (3 mpy)


Note: The suggested CR can be used to influence the CR used in the Calc Summary, or as a starting point when there are no measurements.

In this case we are using 0.0762 mm/y as our suggested CR.

Column F: Corrosion Loop

If the Corrosion Loop is empty, the Equipment is not assigned to a Corrosion Loop.

In this case it is empty.

Column G: Unit

In this case it is empty.

Column H: Plant

In this case it is empty.

Column I: IF Strategy

Interval Factor (IF) Strategy, either IMS or SRBI. If SRBI is selected the SRBI calculated IF will be linked to the Circuit to be used in the Corrosion Schedule NID calculation. The linked Component should, in this case, be analyzed for at least one AR DM. When there is no SRBI IF the Circuit will default to the IMS IF.

In this case it is “IMS”.

Column J: Circuit Interval Factor

IMS Interval Factor, default can be used based on Equipment Group.

Equipment Group

Default Calculation Method

Default Suggested CR

Default IF

Air-cooler, Bundle, Furnace, Incinerator & Pipe/System


(PLR, PSR, Circuit AverageDSCF and Linear Regression)

0.127 mm/y (5 mpy)


Other Equipment

(2) PLR, PSR, LR

(PLR, PSR, Linear Regression)

0.0762 mm/y (3 mpy)


In this case we use 0.5 IF.

Column K: RBI Interval Factor

When Circuit inherits from Component, (worst) RBI Interval Factor from linked Component is being used. (read-only)

In this case it is empty.

Column L: Special Emphasis

In the case of Pipe and Pipe System Equipment, the Special Emphasis can be populated (when there is no pending event). The classification chosen determines the Maximum Inspection Interval (MII) allowed for the Calculation Summary and Corrosion Schedule.

In this case it is empty.

Column M: Calculation Method

Applied Calculation method, either:

  • PLR, PSR, CAR, LR (including Circuit averages) – calc 1

  • PLR, PSR, LR – calc 2

The default Calc Method is set automatically based on Equipment Group for the Circuit.

This also determines if the system checks for data scatter - only calc 1 does. Calc 1 should be used when there is a low confidence in the corrosion measurements (e.g. Aircooler, Bundle, Furnace, Incinerator, Pipe).

In this case we are using calc 2.

Column N: Ignore Calculation Interval

When checked, the Circuit ignores the calculated rates for the Next Inspection Date of the Circuit, only time interval will be applied.

In this case it is empty.

Column O: Description

Short description for the Circuit.

Column P: Required Inspection Method

You can set a required Inspection Method (e.g. UT, RT) for all measurement for the Circuit (optional).

In this case it is empty.

Column Q: Active

Indicator whether the Circuit is active or inactive.

In this case it is “YES”.

Column R: Component Id

In this case it is empty.

Column S: IDAP Category

In this case it is empty.

Column T: IDAP Category Comment

In this case it is empty.

Column U: IDAP Comment

Short comment regarding the IDAP Status.

In this case it is empty.

Column V: IDAP Status

Column IDAP Status shows the actual state of the analysis and the required action:

  • Analysis not started

  • Analysis new data

  • Analysis in progress

  • Analysis completed; action required

  • Analysis completed; no action required

  • Analysis no data

  • None

In this case it is empty.

After we finished populating fields in the import template, we are ready for import.

We navigate to Settings\Data transfer\Import data and click Browse.

Now we navigate through our file explorer and select our import template file. After selecting the file, we should check if the Circuit import type was selected since we are importing Circuits (this happens automatically if you didn’t change file name.)

After this we click Next.

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In the next step we can preview column mapping between the import template and IMS. No action is necessary here. We can click Next.

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In the next step IMS will validate that data in the import template. If errors are found, they will be displayed in this step. If data in the import template is correct, we will be able to click Next and import the data.

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If the import was successful we will see the Done button.

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Creating CMLs via bulk import

To download import templates, we go to Settings\Data Transfer\Import Data. Download the CML template.

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Below the filled-in CML template is shown

Column A: Equipment ID

First, we need to identify IMS Equipment for which we are importing measurement data.

Column B: SAP Equipment Nr.

If Equipment has a Sap Equipment number, it can be inserted here.

Column C: Circuit Name

Name of the Circuit that we have created previously.

Column D: CML

Name of the CML that we want to create. In this case we are using same CML name as in our report: A, B, C, D…

Column E: Sub Circuit

Sub-Group of the selected Circuit, combining CMLs within a Sub-Circuit. The Sub-Circuit-CML combination should be unique. In this case we can use sub-Circuit to better organize our CMLs. Since we have CMLs coming from vessel’s shell, dish head and dish end we can use sub-Circuit to group them. DH – Dish head, SH – Shell, DE – Dish end

Column F: CML Type


In this case Head and Shell.

Column G: Renewal Thickness [mm]

Minimum wall thickness for the selected CML.

In this case we are using 45mm as was instructed by SNG team.

Column H: Active

Indicator whether the CML is active or inactive.

In this case we use “YES”.

Column I: Must Get

Check if this CML must always be measured.

In this case it is empty.

Column J: Nominal Thickness [mm]

Nominal Wall Thickness for the CML.

In this case we are using provided value from report 50mm.

Column K: Diameter [inch]

Diameter (inch) for the CML.

In this case it is empty.

Column L: Position
Position of the CML in the Circuit.

In this case it is empty.

Column M: Drawing Filename

In this case it is empty.

Column N: Line number on drawing

Related drawing number.

In this case it is empty.

Column O: Line number on P&ID

In this case it is empty.

Column P: Sketch number

In this case it is empty.

Column Q: Reference number

In this case it is empty.

Column R: Renewal Basis


In this case it is CALCULATED.

Column S: Required Inspection Method

This give the option to set a required Inspection Method (e.g. UT, RT) for all measurement for the CML (optional). The available Inspection Methods to select from are predefined in Settings.

In this case it is empty.

Column T: CML Description

Short description of the CML.

In this case it is empty.

Column U: MP Configuration

In this case it is empty.

Column V: Scaffold required

In this case it is empty.

Column W: Scaffold size

In this case it is empty.

Column X: Rope access

In this case it is empty.

Column Y: Insulated

In this case it is empty.

Column Z: Delagging/holes cut required

In this case it is empty.

Column AA: Ladder required

In this case it is empty.

Column AB: Manlift

In this case it is empty.

Column AC: Insulation Removal

In this case it is empty.

Column AD: Confined Space

In this case it is empty.

Column AE: Other Access

In this case it is empty.

Column AF: Apply Structural Min

In this case it is empty.

Column AG: Design Corrosion Allowance [mm]

In this case it is empty.

Column AH: EVA Row

In this case it is empty.

Column AI: EVA Col

In this case it is empty.

Column AJ: Latitude

In this case it is empty.

Column AK: Longitude

In this case it is empty.

Column AL: Altitude

In this case it is empty.

After we finished populating the fields in the import template, we are ready for import.

We navigate to Settings\Data transfer\Import data and click Browse.

Now we navigate through our file explorer and select the import template file. After selecting the file, we should check if the CML import type was selected since we are importing CMLs (this happens automatically if you didn’t change file name.)

After this we click Next.

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In the next step we can preview the column mapping between import template and IMS. No action is necessary here. We can click Next.

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In the next step IMS will validate that data in the import template. If errors are found, they will be displayed in this step. If data in the import template is correct, we will be able to click Next and import the data.

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If imported successfully the Done button will show.

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Creating Measurement Points via bulk import

A Measurement Point (MP) is the place on the Equipment where the actual wall thickness reading is taking place.

Upon creating CMLs, IMS automatically creates Measurement Points for recording minimum values. However, if we wish to import all the values that were recorded during the inspection we must first define and import predefined Measurement Points.

To download import templates, we go to Settings\Data Transfer\Import Data. Next download the Predefined MeasurementPoint template.

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Below the template is shown:

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Column A: Pre Def Measurement Point

We are leaving this field empty because it will be automatically created by IMS.

Column B: Active

Indicator whether the PreDef MP is active or inactive.

In this case we use “YES”.

Column C: Measurement Point

To define MP, we have to consult our inspection report to see how values were recorded. In this case measurements were taken at 1, 3, 4, 6 and 12 o’clock positions.

Column D: CML

Name of CML for which we are defining Pre Def MP.

Column E: Sub Circuit

Name of sub-Circuit for which we are defining Pre Def MP.

Column F: Circuit

Name of Circuit for which we are defining Pre Def MP.

Column G: Equipment

Name of Equipment for which we are defining Pre Def MP.

Column H: SAP Equipment Nr.

Name of SAP Equipment Nr. for which we are defining Pre Def MP.

Column I: Matrix Location

In this case can be left empty.

After we finished populating fields in the import template, we are ready for import.

We navigate to Settings\Data transfer\Import data and click Browse.

Now we navigate through our file explorer and select the import template file. After selecting the file, we should check that the Predefined MeasurementPoint import type was selected since we are importing Measurement Points (this happens automatically if you didn’t change file name.)

After this we click Next.

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In the next step we can preview the column mapping between the import template and IMS. No action is necessary here. We can click Next.

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In the next step IMS will validate that data in the import template. If errors are found, they will be displayed in this step. If data in the import template is correct, we will be able to click Next and import the data.

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If the import was successful the Done button will show.

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Importing measurement readings via bulk import

After we have done all the prerequisite operations, we are ready for measurement import!

We will use the Measurement Set Simple template to import our readings.

To download import templates, we go to Settings\Data Transfer\Import Data. Download the Measurement Set Simple template.

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Below the filled-in Import template is shown:

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Column A: Equipment ID

Name of Equipment for which we are importing measurements.

Column B: SAP Equipment Nr.

Name of SAP Equipment Nr. for which we are importing measurements.

Column C: Measurement Set ID

We are leaving this field empty because it will be automatically created by IMS.

Column D: Circuit ID

Name of Circuit for which we are importing measurements.

Column E: Sub-Circuit ID

Name of sub-Circuit for which we are importing measurements.

Column F: CML ID

Name of CML for which we are importing measurements.

Column G: Inspection Method

Type of the inspection method, in this case it is UT.

Column H: Temperature [°C]

The value provided by SNG team is 28C.

Column I: Measurement Date

Date on which measurements were taken.

Column J: WT Measurement [mm]

Actual measurement value from inspection report.

Column K: Renewal/Baseline

In this case it is empty.

Column L: Must Get

In this case it is empty.

Column M: Quality Indicator

In this case it is empty.

Column N: PDMP Name

In this case it is empty.

Column O: PDMP Measurement Point

MP value that we have previously defined in our predefined measurement point template.

Column P: PDMP MatrixLocation

In this case it is empty.

Column Q: Technician

Name of technician that was performing measurement inspection.

Column R: Company

Name of company that was performing measurement inspection.

Column S: CML DWG

In this case it is empty.

After we finished populating fields in the import template, we are ready for import.

We navigate to Settings\Data transfer\Import data and click Browse.

Now we navigate through our file explorer and select the import template file. After selecting the file, we should check that the Measurement Set Simple import type was selected since we are importing a simple Measurement Set (this happens automatically if you didn’t change file name.)

After this we click Next.

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In the next step we can preview the column mapping between the import template and IMS. No action is necessary here. We can click Next.

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In the next step IMS will validate that data in the import template. If errors are found, they will be displayed on this step. If data in the import template is correct, we will be able to click Next and import the data.

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If the import was successful we see the Done button.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

And that is it. We have successfully imported measurement data from a measurement inspection report via bulk import. Congratulations!

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