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The (new) Inspector Dashboard shows the consolidated, summarized data for inspectors to set priorities on Schedules and inspections. The following Sections are available, Schedules, Waiting for Approval, New data / Shortcuts, PEIM items, Schedule Statistics, and Site Top Queries.
For the Schedules and Waiting for Approval Sections Trending will show when the mouse hovers on the stats. Click on the chart for a more detailed view.
The Dashboard resets automatically every night so that the user can see updated and refreshed data every morning.
Note: The Inspector Dashboard can apply additional filtering. By default, the Dashboard shows all active, overdue Schedules for in service Equipment.
The Schedules Section includes two parts:
- On top of the grid, the total number of overdue, active Schedules for in service Equipment is shown. This count is not affected by the selected filter and always shows the total number.
- The lower grid shows the number of Schedules based on the selected filters. These numbers are shown per Schedule Types. Also, the number of Corrosion Schedules are shown for Circuits having Special Emphasis Deadleg or Injection Point/Mixing Point.
Click on the count (link) to show (navigate to) the list of Schedules based on the selected criteria.
Waiting on Approval
The Waiting for Approval Section shows the number of items not having a Final Approval or Admin Final Approved status. The grid is categorized by when the last approval has been done.
New Data / Shortcuts
This Section provides shortcuts for creating new Equipment Condition History (ECH), new Schedule, new Measurement Sets, and importing data.
PEIM Items
Results in this Section are not based on the selected filters. The number of uncompleted Measurement Sets, extended Schedules, created or modified Equipment, errors and out-of-service Equipment for the entire site, is shown. However, the scoping is applied here (i.e. Site, Plant, Unit).
The “Trends Trigger Action” Query shows all Equipment with a Remnant Life of less than one year, and with a calculated Corrosion Rate higher than 10mpy. This is called Circuits with Corrosion rate > 10mpy/0.254mmy and RL < 1yr. INSP ADMIN can review the shortlisted items and click the NoConcern button.
The “Degradation Log” Query is also available here. This is called Leak/Leak Save. The Query shows all the ECH’s, with at least one template of type Leak or Leak & Save added to scope. The ECH comment Section (that can be edited without Back-out) can also be edited directly in the “Degradation Log” Query.
Schedule Statistics
This Section includes two pivoted statistics:
- Statistics on number of Schedules per Schedule Type and Equipment Group.
- Statistics on number of Schedules per Approval Type and Equipment Group.
Applied filters have effect on the counts being displayed in the pivots.
Site top Query
The Inspector admins can define up to 10 Queries on the Inspector Dashboard for site-level, which are important to them. INSP ADM users thus have the Add and Edit buttons available. With the Add button a list of all possible Queries is shown from which desired Queries can be selected. With the Edit button the Queries can be ordered by priority or deleted.