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General Dashboard Options
  • 30 Jan 2025
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General Dashboard Options

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Article summary

Shape, bar chart  Description automatically generatedStructure of a Dashboard.

When you open a Dashboard, there are several fine-tuning options that you can use to determine what data you see and how you see (visualize) that data.

Scoping Dashboards

Use the Scoping bar to select the scope for the Dashboard. For example, you can select the entire site, a single plant, or just one or two units. Only the data for the selected scope will be displayed on the Dashboard.

Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generatedUse the scoping bar to select your Dashboard scope.

Filtering Sections

The filter can be used to further fine-tune what data is displayed in each Dashboard Section. Note: When creating a custom Dashboard, you can determine which filters should be available for each of the Dashboard Sections.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email  Description automatically generated
Use the filter to determine what data to shown in a Dashboard Section. 

For more information on filters see: Other IMS Main Menu Options

Switching an Element's Display

In the top right corner of most Elements, you will find a quick switch button.

Chart, bar chart  Description automatically generatedYou can find the quick switch button on top right corner of most Elements.Use this button to change the display of the Element. Any of the listed charts, a Treemap, or Grid View can be selected for display.

Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generatedAny of the listed charts, a Treemap, or Grid View can be selected for display.

Adding Dimensions to the Grid View

For the Grid View Element, the dimensions can be changed or added.

Graphical user interface, table  Description automatically generatedClick on the dimension to delete and start typing in the “Add dimension” field to add a dimension. 

Viewing Trend Data 

Trends can be tracked up to the date when IMS started tracking the site’s data, irrespective of the date when the Dashboard was created.

Trending data is shown in KPI Elements, vertical bar charts, line charts, area charts and actual data grids. These Elements are configured to show either weekly, monthly, or yearly trends. The weekly snapshots are made during weekends and IMS keeps only four weekly snapshots by default. The monthly snapshots are made on the first day of the month and the yearly snapshots are made on the first day of the year.

To achieve this IMS creates monthly and yearly snapshots of selected sources. Currently, by default, IMS tracks the following sources:

  • PEI: Corrosion loops
  • PEI: CMF
  • PEI: Equipment
  • PEI: Circuits
  • PEI: CML
  • PEI: Components
  • PEI: Schedules
  • PEI: Condition history
  • PLSS: Equipment
  • RCM:

Other sources can also be tracked on request.

In Creating New Custom Dashboards (Specifying an Element's Display) you can learn how you can create your own trends in a Custom Dashboard.

But here you you will learn how to use already created trending Elements:

KPI Elements

The KPI Element shows the current count of the desired metric. Below this, you can find the percentage, or the absolute change, in comparison to the selected period. As an example, see the figure below. Here the current total count of "Blue Barriers" is 684, which is an increase of 47 barriers from last month.

A picture containing company name  Description automatically generatedExample of KPI Elements with trending data.


The x-axis always shows time. It shows the dates when the snapshots were taken. The y-axis represents the data. Either a count, or a delta (difference between given and previous period), or a percentage (difference divided by previous period) is shown. For example, we can track the number of red barriers through time. The data is represented as a total count of red barriers each month to show the increase/decrease of red barriers.

Example of trending data in a bar chart.

The data representation can be changed, using the quick switch button. You can select "counts", "deltas", or "percentages". Also, the chart type can be changed. You can select: "Vertical bar chart", "Line chart, or "Area chart".
A picture containing graphical user interface  Description automatically generatedClick the quick switch button to change the display.

Actual Data Grid

The historic data can also be shown in an Actual data grid. In this case, IMS will show a dropdown with snapshot dates. You can then see the actual state of the data, at any of the times listed in the dropdown.

Table  Description automatically generatedFor actual data, select the desired snapshot date from a dropdown.

Switching an Element to Trend

For many Elements it is also possible, if desired, to switch to trend data. To do this, click the trend button. You can switch back to the actual data display by clicking the same button again.

Chart, bar chart  Description automatically generatedClick to switch to trend data.

Drilling down with linked Elements

There can also be linked Elements in a Dashboard Section, which can be used to drill down deeper into the data. Linked Element will show when the parent Element (e.g. a "Pie chart", or a "KPI box") is selected. When a specific item in a parent Element is selected, e.g. a segment in a Pie chart, then the linked Elements will be filtered accordingly.

For instance, on the "CMF-Modernized Dashboard", each “Barrier status” KPI Element is linked to a different “Barrier Types and Risk” chart. A different chart is thus shown, based on the selected KPI Element. For example, when the "Red Barriers" KPI is selected, the "Red Barriers Types and Risk" chart shows. When the "Amber Barriers" KPI is selected a different chart shows.

Here you can see that the “Barrier Types and Risk” chart updates based on the selected KPI Element.If one would now select one of the stacking blocks in the "Red Barriers Types and Risk" chart, e.g. the "D-01 coating and painting" with a "Red" Risk, then the Element linked to this chart will be filtered accordingly, i.e. it will correspond to the selected item.

In Editing Dashboards we will explain how you can create your own linked Element in a Custom Dashboard.

Saving a Dashboard State

When you have fine-tuned your Dashboard, by selecting the scope, filters, charts, etc., then you can save the Dashboard state. This state can then be selected from the dropdown. The "Original state" will remain available.

Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generatedYou can save (+), delete (x), or select a saved / Original state from the dropdown.
To navigate to a list or details page from the Dashboard:
  • Point to an Element’s name and click on the link that appears; orChart, bar chart  Description automatically generatedClick on the link to go to the associated list.
  • Point to a KPI item and click on the link that appears; or
    Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generatedClick on the KPI Element, to navigate to the associated list. 
  •  Click on a hyperlink in a grid. If the hyperlink is a name ID, this will navigate you to a Details pages.

Legacy Dashboards

For legacy Dashboards, i.e. Dashboards built before release 3.13A, not all the above functionality will be available. 

Also, for these Dashboards, data is not refreshed automatically. Thus, you need to click the reload button. The data on the Dashboard will then be re-calculated and the last calculated date will be shown.

For legacy Dashboards (pre-release 3.13A), use the reload button to refresh the data. 

Tutorial Video 

See also the Tutorial Video.

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