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E09: Query: to which System-FF are RSL-FM's assigned to.
  • 09 Aug 2024
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E09: Query: to which System-FF are RSL-FM's assigned to.

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Take Note:

This query lists to which System Functional-Failures the RSL Failure Modes are assigned to.

When an RSL is applied to a Floc or Eq, the Failure Modes (FM) in the RSL can be assigned to various Functional-Failures (FF) present in the System the Floc/Eq is assigned to. 

As an RSL can be assigned to many Floc/Eq which on their turn, can be assigned to many different systems, there can be a wide range of combinations of RSl-FM versus System-FF.

Especially when a Floc or Eq is relevant in more than one FF - and the RSL need to be re-assigned to those Floc/Eq, it would be good to list to System Functional Failures the RSL Failure Modes are assigned to, before making changes.

In below example we see that the 6 FM's of RSL "LC AC MOTOR (TT2)" are all assigned to one FF: "Low warm up".  So, in this case re-assigning the RSL can be simple for all 6 FM's.

In below overview we see that the "RSL application query" starts with the Base View: "vwRCMData" and lists 12 fields.

In below picture you see an example output of this query, showing which RSL-FM's are connected to which System-FF:

To see how a query can be created, please check the video: RCM Analyses Changes - Query

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