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PEI CL - Overview
  • 09 Aug 2024
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PEI CL - Overview

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Article summary

This online manual explains Corrosion Loops (as part of the Degradation Management Process):

  • How the CL, as well as the CMF Main Menu, and CMF-Modernized Dashboard can be used as tools that support the CMF process (which forms part of Degradation Management).
  • How to create and define CLs.
  • How to document the CMF data (i.e. add Degradation Mechanisms (DMs) and Barriers to the CL).
  • How to define and analyze IOWs, as well as how to link them to Barriers and monitor their exceedances.
  • The Barrier Status Indicators and how to use them to review the Barrier Statuses.
  • The CMF main menu.
  • The CMF-modernized Dashboard.
  • CLs for Tank Equipment.
  • The Corrosion Control Document (CCD).

CLs in terms of the Hierarchy

During Threat and Barrier identification (which forms part of the Degradation Management process) it helps to group Equipment and piping within a site’s unit or plant, with similar Degradation Mechanisms (DMs), into manageable sections that can be monitored. In IMS these groups are called Corrosion Loops (CLs). CLs are thus groups of Components where Degradation is Managed in the same way. On this level DMs, Barriers, and Integrity Operating Windows (IOWs) are defined. 

In terms of Hierarchy a CL is assigned to a Plant or Unit, since it includes the DMs expected to be affecting that location. These DMs are subject to circumstances (i.e. IOWs such as temperature, pressure, fluids) in or around the Equipment. The Equipment is broken down in parts (i.e. Components) and will be assigned to CLs that share the same process conditions. In other words: the circumstances of a CL and applied DMs can be assigned to multiple Components. 

The next figure shows how CLs, Components and Circuits relate to each other.

Relationship between CLs, Components and Circuits.   


Components are the separate parts of an Equipment that have the Barriers against the Threats of the DMs. Thus, they need verification through inspection. The S-RBI risk assessment therefore takes place on this level, i.e. each Component – DM combination is assessed. A Component must first be linked to a CL before applicable DMs (defined for the CL) can be assigned to the Component.

Corrosion Loop

A CL is a Group of Components where Degradation is Managed in the same way. On this level DMs, Barriers are defined. The CL can be linked to multiple IOWs. 


A Circuit covers all Piping- or Equipment-Components where the same Corrosion Rate (CR) is Expected/Measured. This is the level on which Wall Thickness (WT) measurements are inputted, and CR calculations take place. Components and Circuits can be set to be inherit. This way the Component can inherit the CR information (SCR and RCA) from the Circuit. In turn the Circuit can inherit the RBI Interval Factor (IF), which will influence the Corrosion Schedule’s Next Inspection Date (NID). When inherit, the Circuit will also be linked to the Component’s CL. 

For more information on the Hierarchy see PEI Hierarchy - Overview.

CLs in terms of CMF

Corrosion Management Framework (CMF) is the methodology and documentation that identifies 1) the DMs, that are likely to affect the process Equipment in each section of a unit or facility and 2) the controls and limits necessary to maintain integrity (Barriers). The CL plays an important role in this documentation process. For more detail on the CMF see Corrosion Loops (CLs) - Theory.

IMS supports the CMF process, by enabling the storing and visualization of the CMF data. This data is mainly stored in the CL. Defined CLs can subsequently be used to review Barrier statuses and Risks, i.e. do Barrier verification.

In addition to the CLs, the following also helps to sort and visualize the CMF data:

  • The CMF main menu: This gives a lean view of all the DM-Barrier combinations.
  • The CMF-modernized Dashboard: This also gives a visual overview, e.g. there is a “Red Barrier types and risk” graph, etc. 

See Reviewing Barrier Statuses in the Software.

CL Main Screen

Have a look at the Corrosion Loop Main Screen.

CL Details Page

In Creating and Defining Corrosion Loops you can see how the interpret and use the CL Details Page.

CL and CMF Tutorial Video

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