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PL Scenario Assessment Overview
  • 09 Aug 2024
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PL Scenario Assessment Overview

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This overview will explain how to use the Scenario Assessment Module in IMS PLSS.

The Scenario Assessment module is designed to give you the ability to see how adjusting certain parameters can affect the integrity assessment results. This module provides a centralized hub where you can access and manipulate all the key corrosion integrity elements. By adjusting the parameters within the module, you can assess the potential consequences, such as the number of necessary repairs or changes in the maximum allowable pressure for Remedial Actions, without affecting the original data or results. The purpose is to run different What-if Scenarios to establish the optimal Remedial Action plan with maximal benefits.

To access the Scenario Assessment module, click on the Scenario Assessment button in the header of the Equipment Details Page or of any of the PL Modules.

Click on the Scenario Assessment button in the header to access the Scenario Assessment module.

The Scenario Assessment module consists of four panes:

  • Scenario controls, RBA summary and results.

  • Repair Chart

  • Flow chart

  • MAOP, Strategy and Confidence Rating.

Scenario Assessment module user interface.

The module features two different modes: Internal Corrosion and External Corrosion. Click on the respetctive tabs in the top left corner to switch between the modes.  

Click the Internal Corrosion or External Corrosion tab to switch between Scenarios Assessments for Internal or External Corrosion. 

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