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Residual Risk HAZOP Template
An alternative HAZOP template, called Residual Risk, is also available in IMS SIS. This can be activated for your site via the An Application Setting "HAZOP Template".The Residual Risk HAZOP differs from the default HAZOP Details Page in terms of:
R (Risk) column
This Risk column replaces the default HAZOP's Severity column.
To set the Risk:
- Select the Consequence Card.
- Click the fold-out bar.
- Select a Top event. Note: There are no predefined HAZARDs for the Residual Risk HAZOP template.
- Click somewhere on the “PACE” matrix to open the Risk Matrix.
- Select P (People) / A (Asset) / C (Community) / E (Environment) and then select the associated LIKELIHOOD and RIKS BAND (Severity) for each where applicable. The Risk (R= L* S) for each category will then be displayed in the Risk column.
L (Likelihood) column
This column shows the Likelihood without Safeguards. All Consequence Categories (PACE) have the same Likelihood.
One Likelihood value, applying to all Consequence Categories, will appear after you have defined the Risk.
S (Severity) column
This column shows the Severity without Safeguards. An S value will appear for each applicable Consequence Category after you have defined the Risk.
L w/ SG column
This is the Likelihood with Safeguard. You can manually enter a value from 1-5 (1 is the lowest Likelihood, 5 is the highest Likelihood). This value will apply to all Consequence Categories (PACE).
R w/ SG column
This is the Risk with Safeguard. The R w/ SG column is automatically filled: R w/ SG = L w/ SG * S.
Comments column
The Comments column replaces the ALARP column from the default HAZOP template.
Click on the card to enter your comments.
Further Defining the HAZOP
For further information on defining the HAZOP refer to the instructions for the default HAZOP template.