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S-IDAP Additional Functions and Settings
The S-IDAP Details Page header includes several additional functions. Below is an explanation of each function:
Header Functions
Measurement Set Configurator
Clicking this button opens the configuration measurement set page in the Equipment module. Here, you can perform calculations and change settings in the Measurement Set.
This option displays the labels below the Corrosion Rate and Remnant Life Overview plots.
Use this option to recalculate the Corrosion Rates for a selected CML/MP or for a Circuit.
Arrow Left – Arrow Right
These buttons allow you to scroll to the previous or next Circuit (only works if more than one Circuit is selected).
Skip Commissioning Date: If enabled, the commissioning date and Nominal Wall Thickness will not be used in the S-IDAP calculations. This is only applicable if a Base reading is available.
Block Wrong Measurements: If enabled, measurements that you marked as wrong will be skipped.
Prediction Date: Sets the date for which the Wall Thickness will be calculated and displayed in the TrendPlot tab.
Colour Settings: Allows you to change the colour settings for the overview plot.
Other settings are for tuning parameters for the S-IDAP methodology. Normally the default values should be sufficient.