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Screen recording
  • 09 Aug 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Screen recording

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Article summary

Recording the screen in IMS

A screencapture of an issue in IMS can be highly illustrative as it shows the steps done and the tool behaviours and dynamics. One video may replace several screenshots.

We suggest using SnipClip as a freely available tool for screen capturing purposes.

Here is a demo of such a screen recording with the steps involved and data captured:

  • Please note that depending on the video format, pausing or searching frame by frame may not be available. To ensure clarity, we advise keeping issue recordings between 30 to 60 seconds.
  • To streamline support, please limit screen recordings to show only the issue and its effects. Avoid recording when writing issue descriptions or browsing sites. Submit textual issue descriptions separately.
  • Thank you for your cooperation.

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