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Step 1 Define the Civil Asset in IMS
  • 09 Aug 2024
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Step 1 Define the Civil Asset in IMS

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Article summary

The first Step in setting up a Register of Civil Assets and Risks is to define the Asset in IMS.


A pre-selection of what civil assets are to be included in a CIVIL database should be carried out. Typically, a study focuses on higher cost or higher risk items. Guidelines are included in the Background - Scope.

Asset Definition

Next, as a first step in a CIVIL study in the database, the scope of the study is defined by selecting a particular asset (or the Asset Sub-Component). The key question here is: “What is it that we are studying?”.

The following information should be available to fully define the asset:

  • Asset type, i.e. type of asset, e.g. bridge, flare structure, building;
  • Tag name, i.e. a unique identification of the asset. In case no such number is available, then an identification system must be set up;
  • Installed date, i.e. the year of construction;
  • Function, see below;
  • Main Components;
  • Materials used in the asset;
  • Background information, about e.g. minimum performance criteria, operating conditions, inspection and maintenance history, plant changes;
  • Dimensions;
  • Location on the site and its environment.

Function and Functional Failure

The function of the asset and its Components are the starting points for defining a failure scenario and developing an effective PM plan that will prevent or satisfactorily lower the probability of that failure scenario from becoming a reality. The function describes the minimum performance requirements of the asset and its Components and can be defined by completing the following sentence: “To safely …”. By definition, the asset has failed when it cannot fulfil its function anymore. This is called a functional failure. A functional failure can be defined by completing the following sentence: “Fail to safely …”.

Examples: Function of Assets

  • Bridge: To safely allow transfer of 5t trucks
  • Flare: To safely hold 3 flare lines during a 1-hour average wind speed of 30 m/s
  • Drainage pipeline: To safely allow a peak discharge of 5 m3/s


The analysis can be done for a single asset or a group of assets. Grouping is only valid when the input to the study is comparable and the result of the study can be applied to the entire group. The following items should be similar, to make grouping possible:

  • Function and Failure Mode
  • Design type and Material
  • Degradation Mechanism (DM) and rate
  • Degradation stage, condition status and age
    Assets can be grouped.


For more detail you can refer to the IMS Hierarchy , FLOC, Equipment, and Component online manuals. (Remember that the Circuit and Corrosion Loops Sections are not applicable.)

Creating New FLOCs

A New FLOC can be created in two ways, either manually or via data import.

To manually add a FLOC:

  • Click on the FLOC tab to go to the FLOC List.
  • Click on the +.
  • Enter the FLOC data in the popup window. Yellow fields are mandatory.
  • Click Save.

(For more information and options see Creating new FLOCs.)

After Save you are redirected to the Details Page of the FLOC.

Note: Two FLOC types are available for Civil: Infrastructural, and Structure.

Creating a Civil Floc.

Editing FLOCs

A FLOC can be edited after it was created:

  • Go to the FLOC Main Screen.
  • Click on a FLOC ID to select a FLOC.
  • After being redirected to the Details Page, click Edit.
  • Edit the FLOC Detail and click Save.

Deleting FLOCs

A FLOC can also be deleted:

  • On the Detail Page of the FLOC, click Edit and untick the Active box, to set the FLOC Inactive.
  • Go to the FLOC Main Screen.
  • Select a FLOC by setting the check mark in front of the FLOC.
  • Click the red cross in the Edit/Move section of the toolbar to delete.

Create New Equipment

New Equipment can be created in two ways, either manually or via data import.

To manually add an Equipment:

  • Click on the Equipment tab to go to the Equipment Main Screen.
  • Click on the +.
  • Enter the Equipment data in the popup window. Yellow fields are mandatory;
  • Click Save.

(For more information and options see Creating new PEI Equipment.)

After Save you are redirected to the Details Page of the Equipment.

Repeat the steps above to create more Equipment.

Take Note 
In case of Grouping, one Equipment tag can be created for the whole group
Creating Civil Equipment.Like with a FLOC, an Equipment can also be edited or deleted. See Equipment Details Page.

Create New Components

To create a Component:

  • Select an Equipment in the Equipment Main Screen to go to the Equipment detail.
  • Scroll down to RBI.
  • Click New Component.
  • Enter the Component data in the popup window. Yellow fields are mandatory.
  • Click Save.

(For more information and options see Creating new PEI Components.)

After Save you are redirected to the Details Page of the Component.

Repeat the steps above to create more Components.

Note: It is optional to add Components to an Equipment. An Equipment (automatically) has a general Component which can be used when creating Schedules. However, if you plan to do an RBI Analysis, you do need to create a Component.

Creating a Civil Component.

Like a FLOC, a Component can also be edited or deleted.

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