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Tank Components
  • 09 Aug 2024
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Tank Components

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Article summary

Load Case calculations take place on Tank Components.

Defining Tank Components

The Tank Component can be created just like any other Components from the Tank Equipment's RBI section. Take note that it is mandatory to select a CL with which the Component will be linked. Note: In the past a Tank-CL were automatically created, but this is no longer the case.

Creating a Tank Component. Depending on the Component type, you will need to specify some additional information for your Tank Component:

Additional info needed for a Shell Component.

This additional information is used in the Load Case calculations.

You can also enter this data later after the Component was created:

  • Open the Component Details Page.
  • In the Details section, click Edit and enter the Tank data.Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated
    Enter the Tank data in the Component Details section. 
  • Scroll to the Component’s Specs section and enter the specification. The required specs per Load Case are highlighted in Tank Equipment.

Note: The Tank data, e.g. Component types and Specs are configured in Settings \ Configuration \ Configuration per Hierarchy Type. On the Equipment Groups you will find the definition of the default Components for Equipment Group "Tanks". On the Component Types you will find the definition of the available Specs per Component Type, e.g. "Shell".

Shell – Courses

To analyze the structural integrity of a Tank using the Load Case 2 and Load Case 3 calculations you will need to select the Governing Course of a tank.

The Courses are added as individual Shell Components to the Tank Equipment. Note: In the past these were added as Sub-Components, but this is no longer the case.

Each Shell Component represents one Course.

For each Course one Shell Component should be created under the Tank Equipment. 

Load Cases

The Load Case calculations can be implemented on Equipment level.

Degradation Management of Tanks

In Tanks you will find addition guidance with regards to Degradation Management on Tanks and specifically the S-RBI analysis.

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