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Software Step 1
  • 30 Jan 2025
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Software Step 1

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Article summary

Step 1 Define the Asset (and set up the Hierarchy):  

Below is explained how to implement Step 1 in the Software. See also Methodology Step 1.

The IMS objects can be created in different ways: Manually or via (bulk) import. The Specs, Attachment, and other relevant sections should be used to store verified asset information. These “Asset defining” sections, as well as other relevant Degradation Management sections/fields, are emphasized in the following steps.

Importing Objects

To (bulk) import objects: see Importing Data via Settings.

Alternatively, the items can be created manually. This can be done from different locations. For example:

Creating Corrosion Loops

Note: This is not needed for Civil Equipment (not applicable).

To create a CL: See Creating Corrosion Loops

  • During the RBI workshop and Corrosion Loop review, valuable recommendations are often suggested by the team. Capture them in the Recommendations section.
  • Use the Documents section to search for and apply documents.
  • Scroll to the Attachments section to add other relevant attachments, e.g., Marked up Corrosion Loop P&IDs.

Note: The other sections, e.g., Loop Description, Process Description, Corrosion Description, Integrity Operating Window, Degradation Management and Components/RBI, will be defined in Step 2 Identify Threats and Barriers (Define the CL).

Creating FLOCs

To create a FLOC: See Creating New FLOCs.

  • Take note that the INSPECTION REASON is specified here. This is inherited by the linked Circuit, where it may be changed.
  • Scroll to the Specs section to store important operation parameters for the location. By default, the FLOC specs will automatically be inherited by the linked Equipment.

Creating Equipment

To create an Equipment: See Creating new PEI Equipment.

  • Take note that when you create the Equipment you can already specify if RBI will be performed (check PERFORM RBI) and, also, if the Equipment has Cathodic Protection (CP) (check HAS CATHODIC PROTECTION). This will activate an additional section (Potentials) in which the inspection data can be entered.
  • Scroll to the Equipment Strategy and CCAM section. When the RBI Assessment is done, the inspector can use this section to define an Inspection Strategy, based on RBI Assessment and the DMs at play. For more information on CCAM see Corrosion Under Insolation (CUI).
  • Scroll to the Specs section to store the relevant Equipment data. Take note that the specs will be available in the RBI Analysis window, under the RBI specs tab.
  • Scroll to the Attachments section to add relevant Attachments.
  • Use the Description section to add more information.
  • During the RBI workshop and Corrosion Loop review, valuable recommendations are often suggested by the team. Capture them in the Recommendations section.

Creating Circuits

(This is only applicable if the Asset has a Corrosion Degradation Mechanism.)

When Creating a Circuit take note of the following:

Note: All of the above can also be changed later by editing the Circuit Details section.

  • Scroll to the Specs section to store the specific operating parameters of the Circuit and its operational status, such as the design code, design pressure, fluid type, insulation, and minimum and maximum temperature. If there are specs entered on Equipment level, they will be inherited down to the Circuit as well.
  • Scroll to the Attachments section to add relevant attachments, e.g., specific inspection reports.
Take Note

Creating Components

When creating a Component take note of the following:

  • Enter the Component Start Date. This will initially determine the RBI LID and LLID. To learn more see: RBI NID Calculation - from Equip Start Date and Inspection Date.
  • Select the appropriate CORROSION LOOP.
  • Make sure to select the most appropriate Component Type, which best represents the area of the Equipment that the Component will be representing. 
  • If the Component has an AR DM, link the Circuit to the Component: 
    • On the Component Details Page, click Edit in the Details section to change the INHERIT option to: "CIRCUIT + IF": The Component RBI IF will then be linked to the Circuit and the Component will inherit the Circuit specifications (also CR an RCA). Note: This inheritance can also be set in the Circuit Details.
    • An additional Circuit(s) field will appear: Select the inherit Circuit(s). 

For more information see Relationship between CLs, Components and Circuits. Also see PEI Components - Details Page

  • Scroll to the Specs section to store the Component specs. 
    • Take note that these specs will be available in the RBI Analysis window, under the RBI specs tab.
    • To take credit of Lining or Coating life (see Step 6 Estimate Remaining Functional Life) the Lining/Coating specs should be specified in the Component specs. These specs will then be available in the RBI Analysis window, under the Lining/Coating tab.
The Lining specs. In addition, you can also specify the SRBI-FILM TYPE.

Coating specs.


  • Scroll to the Attachments section to add relevant attachments.
  • During the RBI workshop and Corrosion Loop review, valuable recommendations are often suggested by the team. Capture them in the Recommendations section.

The Component (and Lining/Coating) Material play and important role in RBI Analyses. You can learn more in: Material and RBI.

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