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Thermal Injection and Mixing Points
  • 30 Jan 2025
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Thermal Injection and Mixing Points

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Article summary

Take Note
There are some specific cases where the S-RBI assessment approach in IMS PEI changes, depending on the Equipment/Component type.
This section gives guidance for Thermal Injection and Mixing Points.

Thermal fatigue is a form of fatigue behavior where cracking is caused by fluctuating stress due to cyclic changes in metal temperature.

The DM specifically applicable here is fatigue caused by local temperature variations due to mixing of two process streams at a Thermal Mix Point (TMP) where the process streams have different temperatures and may have different phases and mass flow rates.

Define Asset – Step 1

See Step 1.

For piping, "Thermal IPs" and "Thermal MPs" can be modelled as separate Components in IMS.

Parameters Affecting IOW – Step 2

See Step 2.

See below the relevant parameters affecting Thermal IP/MP degradation and, also, an indication of those that should be included in the IOW.

Thermal IP/MP Parameters affecting severity & IOW:



This is the material of construction for the receiving pipe at a thermal mix point.

The material (Carbon Steel & Low Alloy Steel vs Austenitic Stainless Steel) influences the Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Expansion Coefficient.


Temperature difference (DT)

Temperature difference between the injection and receiving process streams.


Cycling frequency

Possible types of thermal cycles at a TMP:

  • Cycles associated with the on/off cycle when the injected flow is started and stopped.
  • Cycles associated with the fluctuation in local fluid temperature at the pipe wall due to turbulent interaction between the two mixing fluids.

The thermal stress associated with an on/off cycle is typically only a concern for TMPs frequently used on an intermittent basis, where the number of thermal cycles due to the on/off cycle would be significant (i.e., hundreds to thousands of cycles).

The frequency and amplitude of the variation in local fluid temperature at the pipe wall is difficult to estimate, but the total number of cycles may be in the order of millions per year.

Note: For major process variations like start-ups, changes in processing temperatures, etc., the total number of cycles will be in the orders of thousands. This is covered by a different DM: Fatigue by Cyclic Service.



Phase (liquid, vapor/gas, multi-phase) and composition (water, steam, hydrocarbons) of the two process streams.

Note: This is difficult to monitor as an IOW, but should be a consideration as part of an MOC review (i.e., for changes in operating parameters that may affect fluid phase, or changes that may lead to different fluid composition)



Check if a thermal quill or sleeve is required and installed per design requirements.


Flow Rate Ratio (FRR)

Mass Flow Rate Ratio (FRR) of the two mixing process streams.


Start RBI Analysis and Assign DMs to Component – Step 3

See Step 3.

For Thermal IP/MPs, you can assign the Thermal Injection Point or Thermal Mixing Point Degradation Mechanism (DM). This is the Thermal Fatigue DM at Injection and Mixing Points. It is considered a NAR DM.

However, not all TMPs should be included in an RBI scope. TMPs can be divided in 6 types. This is determined by the ΔT, IOW requirement, and design compliance. See the table below. T1 and T6 TMPs are excluded from RBI scope.

TMP Types:

TMP Types

Type 1 (T1)

TMPs that do not exceed the ΔT thresholds as per design requirements and do not require IOWs to maintain this status.

Type 2 (T2)

TMPs that do not exceed the ΔT thresholds as per the design requirements but require IOWs to maintain this status.

An IOW is considered where the ΔT is near the threshold, and “process creep” or planned process changes could cause ΔT to exceed the threshold. An IOW (standard limit) should then proactively monitor the mix point operation. Consequence of Failure (CoF) can help decide whether to implement an IOW, where IOW’s are intended for TMPs with potential RAM3 and higher CoF.

Type 3 (T3)

TMPs with compliant hardware design (but no thermal sleeve) where IOWs are required to maintain this status.

For T3 TMPs the hardware Barrier is premised on maintaining operation below threshold ΔT or mass FRR. If “process creep” or planned process changes result in an increase in ΔT or FRR that exceeds the threshold, the TMP design would now require thermal sleeve protection. An IOW (standard limit) should then proactively monitor the mix point operation. Consequence of Failure (CoF) can help decide whether to implement an IOW, where IOW’s are intended for TMPs with potential RAM3 and higher CoF.

Type 4 (T4)

TMPs with compliant hardware design where IOWs are not required to maintain this status (i.e., both a thermal quill and thermal sleeve are installed).

Type 5 (T5)

TMPs where the hardware is not compliant with design.

Type 6 (T6)

TMPs which are operating outside the scope of design because the process fluid composition contains more than 10 wt% liquid water or steam in one or both of the process streams.

The ΔT between the mixing streams is below the thermal stress threshold when it is less than the first decision box temperature in the Step 7 flow diagrams below (T1 and T2 TMPs). These are not considered thermal mix points and need not be included in the TMP inspection program. However, if future changes in operating conditions could result in an increased ΔT, an IOW is needed to identify situations for reclassification (T2). T1 TMP’s are excluded from RBI scope.

T6 TMPs operate in more severe thermal stress regimes and may require a detailed fitness for service (FFS) assessment. T6 TMPs are therefore excluded from RBI scope.

RL – Step 6 & Step 11

See Step 6 and Step 11.

RL is not applicable, but the RL tab can be used to enter a Legal/Local Interval. This may influence the NID.

StF – Step 7

See Step 7.

For these Components, IMS implements a Thermal Fatigue StF assessment. It responsively follows one of two methodology flow charts, based on the Component’s BASE MATERIAL. See the two flow diagrams below - "Carbon Steel & Low Alloy Steel" and "Austenitic Stainless Steel". The outcome depends on:

Thermal IP/MP StF criteria:


Phase of the injection and receiving streams

Should be based on the most credible condition.

Differential fluid temperature between the injection and receiving streams ΔT

The TMP’s ΔT should typically be based on the following criteria:

  • If actual data is unavailable to trend historical fluid operating temperatures, a worst-case, credible ΔT should be established, including consideration of normal operating as well as start-up, upset, or shutdown conditions.
  • Where operating data is available, a 5-year trend of actual fluid operating temperatures can be used to define the appropriate ΔT. When evaluating the temperature data, engineering judgement may be required:
  • Large temperature peaks (i.e., outliers) which occur for a very short duration and occur infrequently should typically not be considered.
  • Where multiple operating modes are present, it is advised to consider the worst-case time history when establishing the ΔT (under the assumption the fluid phases or mass flow rates do not change).

Design compliance

When evaluating the mechanical design of TMP hardware, the as-installed configuration should be compared to the design requirements.

With a design compliant TMP, the hardware has been designed and installed to minimize the thermal stress at the ID of the pipe wall in the mixing zone. This hardware is the primary Barrier that prevents thermal fatigue failure of the pressure boundary at the mix point. In these cases, the purpose of inspection is to verify that the thermal quill and if applicable, the thermal sleeve is still in good condition and functioning as designed.

For some design compliant designs (no thermal sleeve) an IOW (and proactive monitoring plan) is needed to prevent changes in actual operating conditions as compared to the conditions considered in the RBI assessment.

IOW requirement

See above.

Mass Flow Rate Ratio (FRR) of the injection and receiving streams

Should be based on the most credible condition. The FRR is not in the flow chart but helps determine the design compliance.


This is the Nominal Wall Thickness.

TMP Proven or New

A TMP is Proven when:

  • The TMP has operated at least 6 years of cumulative run time without evidence of thermal fatigue cracking;
  • At least one highly effective cracking inspection has been performed after 6 years of cumulative operation; and
  • No indications of thermal fatigue damage were observed during past inspections.

StF for Carbon Steel & Low Alloy Steel.

StF for Austenitic Stainless Steel.

IF the StF concludes that the mixing point is not a TMP a message will be shown.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email  Description automatically generatedThe StF assessment may concluded that the Component is not a Thermal MP/IP.


Confidence – Step 10

See Step 10.

A NAR Confidence rating can be determined. Follow the guidance below to determine answers for a Thermal IP/MP Confidence Assessment.

The confidence rating is established based on the following items:

  • Type of TMP (T1 and T6 are not included in the RBI assessment).
  • Whether the TMP operates under steady or unsteady conditions.
  • The magnitude of the ΔT variation around the mean.
  • The magnitude of mass FRR variation.
  • The ability to maintain operation within the defined operating window in the future (using proactive monitoring plans and/or IOWs).


Take Note
  1. To evaluate applicable items, it is advised to download operating data, using hourly average values for a 5-year operating window immediately preceding the RBI assessment date.
  2. Steady operation means that the operating data’s time history has the following properties:
  • A clear average (mean) ΔT and mass FRR.
  • A clear variation of the ΔT and mass FRR around the mean.
  • The ΔT distribution can be reasonably fit to a normal distribution.

Thermal IP/MP Confidence Assessment Guidance:

Key Questions

Confidence Rating for T4 TMPs (Design Compliant, but without IOWs)

Degradation mechanism can be properly controlled.

  • Yes: For T4 type inherently true.

Relevant process parameters are reliably monitored.

  • Yes: For T4 type inherently true

Reliable inspections were carried out.

  • Yes: A highly effective inspection has been performed of the TMP hardware consistent with the intervals specified in the MII table below. When determining the appropriate inspection interval for the TMP hardware, the confidence assessment should be based on an evaluation of the DMs that could affect the integrity of the quill or sleeve, and the inspection history for these Components.
  • No: No inspection has been performed, or an inspection has been performed prior to accumulating 6 years of total operating time, or an ineffective inspection has been performed.

Confidence Rating for T3 TMPs (Design Compliant with IOWs)

Degradation mechanism can be properly controlled.

  • Yes: Relevant operating parameters are operating within the original design conditions.
  • No: Relevant operating parameters are NOT operating within the original design conditions.

Relevant process parameters are reliably monitored.

  • Yes: Relevant process variables have been defined based on the original design parameters. Relevant PTM limits are in place with continuous monitoring of the process variables. Relevant PTM exceedances are evaluated when they occur, and the potential impact to the TMP inspection strategy and TMP integrity is taken into consideration.
  • No: Process variables are not defined, or process variables are not monitored.

Reliable inspections were carried out.

  • Yes:
    • Cracking of Receiving Pipe: A highly effective inspection has been performed consistent with the intervals specified in the MII table below.
    • Thermal quill and thermal sleeve: Integrity is verified via at least one highly effective inspection. Typically, the TQ would be removed from the pipe for visual inspection, and other NDE performed as appropriate. Susceptibility of the thermal sleeve to corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, and vibration should also be considered when setting the inspection strategy and inspection interval for the TQ and thermal sleeve.
  • No:
    • No inspection has been performed, or too early inspection has been performed and TQ & TS integrity is not verified via inspection, or
    • An ineffective inspection has been performed.

Confidence Rating for T5 TMPs (Not Design Compliant)

Degradation mechanism can be properly controlled.

  • Yes: The 6-year operating history of the relevant process data (ΔT and FRR) has been analyzed and the following is confirmed to be true:
    • TMP has operated without failure for at least 6 years.
    • The ΔT data can be fit to a normal distribution with reasonable confidence (See Note 1). Meeting this criterion suggests that the relevant historical operating parameters are relatively constant, and the mix point can be considered a steady TMP.
  • No:
    • Data to evaluate the relevant historical operating parameters is not available, or
    • The variation of ΔT and FRR are unsteady, or
    • TMP has operated without failure for less than 6 years. The statistical analysis indicates multiple modes of operation (mix points with two normal distributions that overlap), or operating hours associated with the “bins” at the higher-temperature ranges are insufficient to gain confidence in a Proven design.

Relevant process parameters are reliably monitored.

  • Yes: Process variables have been defined based on a statistical review of historical operating data. Proactive monitoring limits are set as follows:
    • Mean ΔT and standard deviation are compared to the value calculated from the past operating data set, and the trend is monitored to detect changes in the mean ΔT and standard deviation over time.
    • The number of hours operating above the highest 2.5% of actual ΔT data is monitored and the trend is evaluated to detect an increase in the hours in this category over time.
    • Mass FRR is monitored to detect changes in average FRR, or changes in total mass FRR of the combined flow over time. Proactive monitoring limits are in place with continuous monitoring of the process variables. Trend exceedances or changes are evaluated when they occur, and the potential impact to the TMP inspection strategy and TMP integrity is taken into consideration.
  • No: Process variables are not defined, or process variables are not monitored.

Reliable inspections were carried out.

  • Yes:
    • Cracking of Receiving Pipe: At least one highly effective inspection has been performed after 6 years of operation. In some cases, a Proven design may still be installed with a TQ or a TS, but the design of the TQ or TS may not meet the full requirements of the design. However, in these cases, the Proven performance is based on the protection provided by the quill or sleeve and maintaining past performance in the future may be dependent on maintaining the integrity of the hardware.
    • Thermal Quill and Thermal Sleeve: TQ & TS integrity is verified via periodic inspection (interval based on susceptibility to corrosion or cracking, and vibration).
  • No:
    • No inspection has been performed, or too early inspection has been performed and TQ & TS integrity is not verified via inspection, or
    • An ineffective inspection has been performed.


  1. Visual tools such as histograms are sufficient for evaluating the data fit to a Normal distribution. Mode splitting is required when multiple modes may be present. Significant local peaks in the distribution, specifically above the mean should be considered as unsteady.
  2. When the TMP is defined to have a low confidence, a detailed analysis (i.e., CFD and FEA) can be performed to increase the confidence rating.

IS and MII – Step 11 & Step 12

See Step 11 and Step 12.

For Thermal IP/MPs the IS and MII is based on Criticality and Confidence ratings. IMS uses the table below to determine this. These intervals may be shortened in ‘low confidence’ situations.

Maximum Inspection Interval and Inspection Strategy lookup table for Thermal IP/MP:

MII (yrs)

and IS

Confidence Rating








Not Acceptable Redesign (MOC)

Not Acceptable Redesign (MOC)

Not Acceptable Redesign (MOC)

MTO List



Not Acceptable Redesign (MOC)

Not Acceptable Redesign (MOC)

Not Acceptable Redesign (MOC)




Not Acceptable Redesign (MOC)

MTO List

MTO List




MTO List




No inspection





No inspection

No inspection


Review based on IOW excursions

No inspection

No inspection

No inspection

No inspection


  • MTO = Manage Threats and Opportunities.
  • High confidence is required to justify the use of inspection and IOW’s as Barriers for monitoring the integrity of TMP not compliant to design.
  • Selection of a “Very High” Confidence rating is only applicable when the TMP is installed with a design compliant thermal quill, or thermal quill and thermal sleeve, and at least one inspection has been performed to validate the hardware is functioning as designed.

Required Inspection Effectiveness – Step 11 & Step 12

See Step 11 and Step 12.

Inspection for fatigue in Piping Systems depends heavily on detection and correction of the conditions that lead to susceptibility (IOW monitoring).

Additionally to typical crack detection, use the Required Inspection Effectiveness, determined in Step 11, to determine the required combination of Inspection technique and coverage. The table below provides examples of appropriate inspection activities.

Thermal IP/MP required Inspection Effectiveness examples:

Required Inspection Effectiveness Category
Non-Intrusive Cracking Inspection (Thermal Fatigue for T3 and T5 TMPs) (Note 1)
Intrusive Cracking Inspection (Thermal Fatigue for T4 TMPs)

A (Highly) Effective

Automated shear wave ultrasonic testing of 80 –100% of all weldments in the susceptible area and >25% of the affected surface in the remainder of the susceptible area, if there are no further welds in the main run pipe.

(Note 3 and 4)

Inspection of 80-100% of the susceptible areas by:

Visual inspection and

DPI or MPT for all relevant quill-nozzle welds.

(Note 4)

B (Usually) Effective

Manual UT angle beam or automated shear wave ultrasonic testing of 50 –79% of all weldments in the susceptible area and 20%-25% of the affected surface in the remainder of susceptible area, if there are no further welds in the main run pipe.

(Note 2, 3, and 4)

Inspection of 50-79% of the susceptible areas by:

Visual inspection and

DPI or MPT for all relevant quill-nozzle welds.

(Note 4)

C (Fairly) Effective
Not Applicable. Thermal Fatigue inspection is pretty much a once of twice off event, it should be Highly Effective or at the very least Usually Effective to provide confidence for future (see notes on Proven TMPs - see the Thermal IP/MP StF criteria in Step 7).


  1. For T3 TMPs, typically only one “initial” inspection is required to be classified as a Proven TMP. After completion of the initial inspection, assuming flaws were not identified, future cracking inspections would only be performed if actual operation of the TMP were outside the defined proactive monitoring plan or IOW limits for an extended duration (i.e., weeks).
  2. Manual UT shear wave technicians performing cracking inspections should be EPRI, API, ISO 9712 or industry qualified. Full credit for prior inspections should not be taken unless the level of technician certification can be verified. If uncertain, drop at least one level of effectiveness on the past inspections.
  3. Advanced NDE techniques (e.g., phased array or TOFD) should be encoded and TOFD should be used for crack-sizing.
  4. Susceptible areas are those parts of the Equipment where the damage is expected to occur. For TMPs, welds (including weld HAZ) and other areas affected by weld and support stresses, are as a minimum part of this susceptible zone.

If no welds are present beyond the mix-point itself, engineering judgement is required when deciding the extent of base-metal surface area to inspect within the susceptible area. Severity of process conditions should be included to differentiate between 25% to 100% coverage.

The susceptible area (i.e., the primary zone) can only be redefined by an MCE or knowledgeable specialist when detailed flow analysis (like CFD) is performed.

Monitoring regime for IOW parameters

Based on Confidence and Criticality, the following monitoring regimes for DT, FRR and phase of the process streams (liquid, vapor / gas, multi-phase) are required. See the table below.

Monitoring regime for IOW:

Process Monitoring Regimes

Confidence Rating








Detailed Analysis and Specific Risk Management











Extensive Monitoring and Inspection






Improve Monitoring





No additional Inspection or Process Monitoring required 

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