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DL/IP/MP Dashboard
  • 30 Jan 2025
  • 4 Minutes to read
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DL/IP/MP Dashboard

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Article summary

Pre 2023 the risk matrix for the classification of deadlegs (DL) and injection points/mix points (IP/MP) was updated. This Dashboard lists the changes and affected items for DL and IP/MP components. Some actions are required for a Site to align on the latest matrix and this Dashboard is designed to update the analyses to the new matrix and ensure all data is filled in to be used in further analyses.

Step 1 - Deadleg Components affected

When the new matrix has not been applied yet, the first query on the Dashboard shows the affected components on which the new matrix should be applied.

The first query on the Dashboard shows the affected components on which the matrix should be applied.


  • Click on the Query, to navigate to a new screen (in which the new matrix can be implemented or applied in batch).
  • The list of corrosive deadleg Components to be updated, is shown.
  • Selecting the Component(s).
  • Click the Save button to implement / calculate the new matrix.
Select the Components and click the Save button to implement the matrix.

Note: The selected component will no longer show up in the list once changes are applied.

  • Go to the DL/IP/MP Dashboard for the next step.

Step 2 - Assign New Degradation Mechanism

When the new matrix has been implemented or applied, a new Inspection Strategy is calculated.

  • When the result of the recalculation is "Per SRBI", select a new Degradation Mechanism.
  • The Component Type will be changed from "Corrosive Deadleg" to "Deadleg".
  • Each of these RBI analyses should be reviewed manually.
  • The query “Updated DL risk classification to SRBI” will show all the RBI components that were modified as part of the new matrix implementation.
The Query shows all the RBI Components that were modified as part of the new matrix implementation


  • Now the new Component will have a new Inspection Strategy (IS) "Per S-RBI".
New Component will have a new Inspection Strategy (IS) ‘Per S-RBI’.


  • Open the Component to assign the new Degradation Mechanism (DM).
  • On the RBI Analysis a note will show to say that the Component is no longer considered a corrosive deadleg and that the Component can be analyzed per S-RBI.
On RBI Analysis a note show to say that Component can by analyzed per S-RBI.


  • Click on here in the note to open a pop-up window that will enable you to assign new DM.
Assign new Degradation Mechanism.


  • A warning will make the user aware that the corrosive deadleg changes will clear the Corrosion Circuit Special Emphasis.
  • After selecting the new DM, the Component Type is updated automatically to "DEADLEG" in the Component detail.

Step 3 - Complete RBI Analysis

Components for which the Component Type has been updated to a regular "Deadleg", a Confidence assessment will be available to calculate an Interval Factor. The third Query in the Dashboard shows for which items a Confidence questionnaire has been filled in, and which still required action.

The Query shows for which items a Confidence questionnaire has been filled in, and which still required action.


  • Click on the links to see the list of Components waiting for Confidence assignment.
  • Select the Component to assign new Confidence to the Component.
Assign new confidence to the Component.


  • Select the new RBI Susceptibility to Failure (StF) to finalize the assessment (any other updates to the Scenario or other parameter, e.g. Remnant Life, Inspection History, can also be done).
  • Now the analysis is complete and the new IF, MII and NID will show up in the assessment.

Step 4 - Review and Approve the Recalculated Circuits

Once all required changes have been made for the new matrix and the Confidence have been filled in for (regular) Deadleg Components, an Interval Factor is provided, which is used by inherited Circuits. These Circuits can be recalculated. The fourth query shows the number of Active recalculated Circuits that require Approval.

The query shows the number of Active Circuits recalculated that require Approval.


  • Final Approve these Corrosion Circuit calculations. (The Special Emphasis at the Circuit detail will no longer show the DL classification for items resulting in ‘Per S-RBI.’)

Step 5 – Update Circuits with expired Special Emphasis

Based on the new Matrix, a number of Special Emphases for Active Circuits are expired. These Circuits should be reviewed manually.

The query shows Circuits with expired Special Emphasis.


Misalignment on Component-Circuit inheritance (Insp. Strategy vs. Special Emph.)

Below the query Dashboard items, a pivot is included to optimize the quality and alignment on Deadleg items. The pivot ‘Updated Deadleg analyses for components inherited to circuit(s)’ shows the Inspection Strategy results of the RBI analyses compared to the selected Special Emphasis on the inherited Circuit. The green highlighted items show the aligned items, the not highlighted items show a mismatch and should be manually reviewed.

Note: When the result after update is "Per S-RBI", it is recommended is to apply a new DM to the Component instead of updating the Special Emphasis.

Misalignment on Component-Circuit inheritance (StF vs. Suggested CR)

The lowest pivot "Updated Stf misalignment DL analyses inherited to circuit(s)" shows the results of the RBI StF compared to the Suggested Corrosion Rate (SCR) on the inherited Circuit. The green highlighted items show the aligned items, the not highlighted items show a mismatch and should be manually reviewed.

Additional Instructions
For more information on how to use Dashboards see Opening Dashboards, Favoriting Dashboards, and General Dashboard Options.

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