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PLSS Anomalies Main Screen
  • 09 Aug 2024
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PLSS Anomalies Main Screen

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Article summary

Take Note
This overview will explain how to use and interpret the IMS-PLSS Anomaly Main Screen.

The Anomaly Main Screen shows an overview grid with a list of Anomalies. 

To see the list of registered Anomalies, click on the Anomalies in the IMS Main Menu. The following information will be displayed on the Main Screen:

Click on Anomalies in the Main Menu to see the registered Anomalies.

Columns can be added/hidden by clicking the Settings icon in the toolbar:

To filter the data in the grid, select the Filter option:

Click on the Filter icon to filter the data in the grid.

 Default Anomaly data in the Anomaly record:



User can tick the checkbox of interest, for example for reporting.


The Active icon shows for each Anomaly whether it is active or inactive:


Anomaly ID

The Anomaly ID which will be created by IMS.

Short Description

A short description specified by the user.

Equipment ID

The Equipment ID

Equipment Description

The Equipment Description.

Identified date

The date the Anomaly was identified.

Revision date

The last revision date, here the user has changed the Assessment in the Anomaly page.

Revision nr

The revision number, starting from 0 but incremented each time the user has updated/added.

Anomaly type

The selection from

Anomaly status

The options are: Open, Closed, Not Anomalous.

Anomaly Class

Interval for Recurring Schedules.

ECH name

The ECH number on which the Anomaly was flagged.

Approval Status

The current Approval Status of the Anomaly.

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