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In PLSS, Findings and Anomalies can be defined. An Observation, on the ECH, can be marked as a Finding. For a Finding there is no Details Page available and no Approval is required. The Finding can be added to Schedules, but only from the Conditions Found of the ECH on which it was observed, see Creating Anomalies in PLSS Schedules.
An Anomaly is a record to track a Finding over time, i.e. referring to Findings in multiple Schedules/ECH. An Anomaly has a Details Page with Description, Assessment, etc. with new revisions every time a new Finding of the issue that is tracked is added to the Anomaly.
In a future release the Anomaly can be added to Schedule or to the Workpack Scope created in the Campaign.
An anomaly should always be created from the ECH.
To add an Anomaly:
- Raise Finding/Anomaly from the ECH Conditions Found.
- Add the Anomaly details.
- Add the Anomaly description.
- Perform the Anomaly Assessment.
- Approve the Revision number.
- Add/update revision number data.
- Close the Anomaly.
See also IMS-PLSS ECH .