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Creating New Custom Dashboards
  • 09 Aug 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Creating New Custom Dashboards

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Article summary

Shape, bar chart  Description automatically generated You can create a Custom Dashboard, structured as shown above (see Custom Dashboards Overview). As soon as you have added a new Dashboard, a Wizard will guide you through the whole process (as described down here). Below you can learn how to create your own custom Dashboard.

Adding New Dashboards (and starting the Wizard)

To add a new Dashboard:

  • Click on the Dashboard Menu Tab.
  • Click on the dropdown, and click Add new; or
Chart, waterfall chart  Description automatically generatedClick the Dashboard dropdown and click Add new.


  • Click the three dots in the top of the Dashboard and click + New dashboard.
A picture containing graphical user interface  Description automatically generatedOr click the three dots.


  • Fill in a Name and a Description. Note: The name should be unique and recognizable.
  • Select a Visibility option: “Public”, “Private”, or “Public and editable only by me”. Note: Private Dashboards are visible only to the person who created it. Public Dashboards are visible to everyone. For the other 2 options, the field Visible and editable by will show, so fill this in as well. 
  • Click Save
  • The first Section’s input screen appears. Note: You can thus now directly start creating the first Section of the Dashboard, while the Dashboard wizard assists you
  • First fill in a Section name and a Section description for the Section.
The Section input screen appears. The wizard will guide you through the Section creation.


Specifying a Section’s Data Source

To specify a section's data source:

  • Select the data SOURCE.
You can either select a Main Source. This is data that can be retrieved from the main grids.
Or under Other Sources, you can select a Custom Query. This can provide more flexibility in terms of data choice and criteria. However, a Query must already be available to use.
  • Select the layout.
Select KPI metric with dimension details from single source to dive into single source and drill down within that source.
Select Group of Elements with different sources to form a group of different KPIs across IMS sources. In this case, also specify a name.
  • Click Next.

See IMS Queries.

Specifying a Section's Filters

The source can be narrowed down with filters.

To specify the available filters for the Section:

  • Select Use all filters available in Equipment to have all main grid filters available; or
  • Select the second option to Select the filters that should be available. In this case select all desired filters; or
  • Select No filters available, i.e. for instance when the filter is set on individual metrics to work on the entire data source.
  • Click Next.

To select the default filters for the Section:

  • Check the desired filter options in the list.
  • Click Next.

Specifying an Element's Display (Data Visualization)

Specify how to display the Element, i.e. how to visualize the data:

  • Specify a Title and add Notes.
  • Use the dropdown to select a Dimension. Note: The available dimensions will depend on the selected Source.
  • Select a Metric.
  • For trends (see General Dashboard Options- Viewing Trend Data):
    1. Check the Show trend option. Note: This checkbox is only available if IMS is configured to track trends for the selected source.
    2. Select a Period: "Weekly", "Monthly", or "Yearly".
    3. Select a Representation: "%", "value", or "delta".

Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generatedCheck Show trend if you want to show historic data.

  • Select Filters, if desired.
Graphical user interface, text, application, email  Description automatically generatedSelect filters if desired.
  • Select the look of the Dashboard item. Note: For trends, only 5 options are available: KPI in a box, Vertical bar chart, Line chart, Are chart, or Actual data in a grid. If you select the Actual data in a grid display, the data will be displayed in a grid with a dropdown for the different snapshots (see General Dashboard Options - Viewing Trend Data).
Only KPI Elements, trending charts and the Actual data grid (in red rectangle) is available for trends.
  • Fine-tune the selected display by checking the Desired Fine Tune options. Note: Depending on the selected display, the Fine Tune options will differ.
Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generatedYou can fine tune the display.


  •  Click Save.

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