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Defining FM CAIRs
  • 30 Jan 2025
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Defining FM CAIRs

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Article summary

Corrective Action Inspection Requests (CAIRs) are used to define the Fabric Maintenance (FM) work.

The following must be taken into account when defining CAIR Schedules.

The Rules

The following rules apply to CAIR Schedules:

Applicable Rules
A CAIR Schedule must be created by the user. See Creating FM Schedules (CAIRs & Inspections).
Next Inspection Date
The NID is determined by the horserace. For CAIRs this race is between the User Date and Event Date.
The CAIR Schedule can be edited. This is explained below.
The Schedule must be Final Approved.
Deferring (Extending)
The Inspection Schedule can be deferred.
The Inspection must be credited to take credit for the FMA work performed. This is done in the Equipment Condition History (ECH).

Lifecycle Steps

The CAIR Schedule Lifecycle steps are: Create a Schedule for your Equipment – Fill in FM Checklist – Add Narrative - Add Attachments – Approve Schedule – Do the FM work – Credit in ECH – Fill FM Checklist - Approve ECH. Take note the CAIR Schedules cannot be recurring. 

This section will focus on explaining the steps in red.

Reviewing the Details Screen

To open an Inspection Schedule’s Details screen, click on the Schedule ID hyperlink. You can for instance find this on the Equipment Details Page in the Schedule section.

The Schedule details page can be divided into sections:


The header of the detail page shows the name of the Schedule / Schedule ID and several navigation options. From here you can mark the Equipment for offline work, and you can create an ECH. For more information on the icons see IMS Details Page.

The Schedule details header.Header information and icons:


Schedule NameThe Unique name of the Schedule.

ActiveIf there is a green underline for the item name, it means the item is active. Inactive will show as “grey”.

Event HistoryThe Event History is the captured changes made in IMS by the specific users. Click to see the list of events that has been performed for this item.

Seamie helper

On the detail screen a helper is available to lead the user through the important parts of every screen. Click on the helper icon, and IMS will briefly explain the important fields.

Offline scope

Select for offline use.


The "Pin" feature allows you to pin down all related objects (e.g. FLOC, Equipment, ECH) based on this record (Schedule). Via pinning the selected record – the Schedule in this case - can be retained in IMS while stepping through the Main Screen tabs, the data related to just this pinned Schedule will be shown. This makes it easy to see and find all related objects to the record.


Generate a report.

Action items

Add view and manage action items.


Freeze the details section to the top when scrolling down.


Print specific sections of the page, click on the button to select sections you wish to add to the print.

Previous and Next

Navigation feature for moving to a previous and next record from the overview.


The Details section displays the following information (see the figure below):

  1. At the top of the screen the Schedule can be Edited or Deleted. Only Schedules in draft mode can be deleted. Note: The Schedule is not active after creation. It will become active after the Schedule has been Approved. See Creating FMA Schedules (CAIR & Inspections) for more information on these fields.
  2. The Inspection Function shows the Schedule Status, e.g. “Draft”, and the Schedule Event, e.g. “Sched Edit / New Insp”. See Approving, Editing and Deferring FMA Schedules for more information on this. It also shows the pending (i.e., not Approved) NID.
  3. The SAP Release Date, Intrusive, Offline, are shown here. Note: The amount of time between the SAP release date and the date of the inspection / repairs is set up by the sites in agreement with maintenance and planners.
  4. Dates taking part in the NID horserace for this Schedule (User Date and Event Date). To link to a Planned Event see Tying FMA Schedules to Upcoming Events.
  5. The Approval button and status of the Schedule.
The CAIR Details section. 

Applicable Area

Take note that you can use the Applicable Area hyperlink to navigate to the AREA-FLOC. When a (new) Schedule is created from the AREA Equipment or another Equipment that is linked to the AREA-FLOC via its parent FLOC, the the parent AREA-FLOC is automatically added as the Applicable Area. For legacy Schedules you can add the AREA-FLOC here manually.
You can navigate to the AREA-FLOC from here.

Scope and plan codes

This is where the FMA work, which is to be performed on the applicable Equipment, is defined in terms of Plan Codes. The Scope and Plan Codes Section. Click Edit to fill in the Fabric Mtc Checklist. 

The Checklist.

Adding Observations

Observations can be added for the selected work. To do so click the three dots.

Click the three dots to add an Observation.

For the Observation you can add photos, attachments and comments. Photos and attachments can also be annotated (for more information on using annotations see IMS Details Page). 

Adding an Observation.

Drawings and Documents

You can search for and add relevant Drawings here.

Narrative / Scope of Schedule

A Narrative should be added to further explain the work that is to be done on the Equipment.

In edit mode the section is shown as a Rich Text Field (RTF) with several features.

When in Edit mode you can insert RTF or even add new RTF defaults. 

Rich Text Default

IMS offers the possibility to define rich text defaults for several sections in IMS. For more information see IMS Details Page.


In this section specific tasks to itemize EI and ME tasks can be specified (including hold points).

Click + to add a Task.


In this section pictures, drawings, reports, and other data can be uploaded and saved to be part of the Schedule file. You can also annotate these. For more information on using the Attachment section see IMS Details Page.

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