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HAZOP Details Page Overview
  • 09 Aug 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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HAZOP Details Page Overview

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Article summary

The HAZOP Details Page is where the HAZOP is being documented, Node for Node.

Opening a HAZOP Details Page

You can create a new HAZOP or open an exiting HAZOP Details Page from the Main Screen. To do so click on the desired HAZOP ID hyperlink in the HAZOP main screen (or any other screen).

hazop-details-image-mnm21e4gClick on the HAZOP ID Hyperlink to open a HAZOP.

You can also Navigate to a HAZOP via a connected LOPA. The HAZOP details page can be divided into a header and several Tabs...

The header of the detail page shows the name of the HAZOP / HAZOP ID and several functional options.

The HAZOP header.

The HAZOP Details screen header icons:


Action / Name


A picture containing icon  Description automatically generated

Version icon

When the Evergreen version of the HAZOP is open, then the A picture containing icon  Description automatically generated icon will show.

For a MOC version the  icon will show.

For a Project version the  icon will show.


The HAZOP description together with a unique name.

A “-P” or “-M” extension indicates that a Project or MOC version of the HAZOP is open. The information shown (on all the tabs) are applicable to this version of the HAZOP.

Active / Inactive

If there is a green underline for the HAZOP name, it means the HAZOP is active. Inactive will show as “grey”. If the HAZOP is in Draft, it will be inactive.

Event History

The Event History shows the list of events that has been performed for this HAZOP.


The PIN feature allows the user to pin down all related objects (e.g., LOPAS) based on this HAZOP.

Action items

Add view and manage action items for the HAZOP. The number of Actions created will show. If no Actions have been created, the button will say “Add”. The Actions are summarized on the Actions Tab.

Previous and Next

Navigation feature for moving to a previous and next HAZOP from the overview.

Side Tabs

On the side of the HAZOP details page, you will find several Tabs. These can be used to navigate to the different sections of the HAZOP. By default, the Team Composition Tab will be selected when you open a HAZOP for the first time. The information shown on the tabs will apply to the HAZOP version that is open at the time.The Side Tabs.

The side Tabs:

IconTab NameDescription


Here you can add and define the HAZOP Nodes, identify potential Deviations, feasible Causes, likely Consequences (& their Severity), and the Existing safeguards. You can also add Recommendations and create LOPAs from here. See HAZOP Tab.

Team Composition

Here you can specify the Start Date and End Date for your HAZOP Study (Meeting details) and the Team Composition. You can also document the times when the Participants worked on the HAZOP, via an attendance register. This must be filled in before the HAZOP can be Approved. See Team Composition Tab.


This section is used to capture more information for the HAZOP Study, e.g., Facility and Project description, Study scope and boundary, and Objective. You can also edit the Parent Plant / Unit and the short Description and Inactivate the HAZOP here. See Study Tab.


Here you can add Attachments, Drawings, and other Documents to the HAZOP Study. See Documents Tab.

Revision history

Here both the Active and (previously) Approved HAZOP versions are shown. New MOC or Project version can be created from here. They will be merged with the Evergreen, when Approved. See Revision History Tab.

Hazard and effects register

Here, the “Hazard and effects register” can be reviewed. These predefined Hazards (and their associated risks) are used in the Consequences where Top events with Hazards enabled, are selected. This register can be edited by users with the SIS Admin and SIS HAZOP role. Take note that changes will be applied to all the site’s HAZOPs. See  Hazard and effect register Tab.

Recommendations Summary

All the Recommendations entered on the HAZOP Tab are summarized here. Here you can set the Recommendation Status and enter the Close out description. All Recommendations must have the Status "Completed" together with a Close out description, before the HAZOP can be Approved. See Recommendations Summary Tab.

Safety Critical Elements

All Safety Critical Elements (as specified on the Existing safeguard Cards) are listed here. See Safety Critical Elements Tab.

Overview of Nodes

All the Nodes created on the HAZOP Tab are summarized here. You can see and edit the Node's Description, Design intent, Operation Conditions, and Design Conditions. See Overview of Nodes Tab.

Safeguard Status

All the Safeguards created on the HAZOP Tab are summarized here. See Safeguard Status Tab.


All the Actions created on the HAZOP Tab are summarized here and can be exported. See Actions Tab.

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