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    Importing Data via Settings
    • 09 Aug 2024
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    Importing Data via Settings

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    Article summary

    Data Transfer subsections.

    In the Import Data section of the Settings Menu, an Import Wizard is provided for importing data in bulk. An import type can be selected (e.g. FLOC, Equipment, Measurement Set, RBI Assessment, etc.) and then the Import Wizard steps can be followed. But first, an Excel Import Template must be downloaded. The template will be populated with validated lists containing data that may be specific to your site.

    Take Note

    The import button, shown in many of the grid toolbars, will also navigate you to this Import Wizard with the appropriate import type preselected. You can reach the Import Wizard also via the import button in the grid toolbar. 

    Importing Data

    Importing data into IMS may at first prove to be a daunting task as some of the templates contain many columns. Every column represents a specific field that is available on one of the many detail pages in IMS.

    Best practices

    Here we will list some of the methods and techniques that offer the most favorable user experience.

    • The recommended method is to select a specific scope of data from any of the IMS grids and then use the Export for Import option. For example, if the user has any doubts regarding the data that needs to be entered into the template, the user can go to, e.g., the Floc Main Screen grid, and from there perform an Export for Import. The obtained template will provide an example of the data that is expectd to be entered.

    • While the import process may be completed starting from a blank Excel file, this is not recommended. IMS templates contain many columns, some of the columns are validated to help you enter correct data, and the cells themselves are already preformatted as dates or numbers, where applicable.

    • We do not recommend altering the template in any of the following ways: removing or adding columns, changing the column order, overriding the validation, or changing the cell formats.

    • We do not recommend using formulas, extra formatting in cells, or references to external files.

    How to import

    Preparing the import file

    • Use Export for Import to obtain an appropriate template from any of the IMS grids. (You can also download the required Template from the Import Data page. However, doing so will render a blank template that will need to be populated with data manually.)

    • Open the Excel file and enter the data in the fields (yellow columns are typically mandatory).

    • Save the file on your local PC.

    • Go back to the Import Wizard (Settings \ Data Transfer \ Import Data).

    Completing the import process

    • Step 1 - Click Browse and select the prepared import template.

    • Step 2 - Select the import type and click Next.[1]

    Import Wizard Steps 1 and 2. 
    • Step 3 - A mapping dialog shows the fields that can be imported with a combo box, from which one of the import file headers can be selected. Where applicable, select the correct header and the UoM and click Next.

    Import Wizard Step 3. 
    • Step 4 - The import is tested, and the results are shown to the user. Validation errors, and modified, or to-be-created, objects are reported.[2] [3] To finalize, click Next.

    Import wizard Step 4. 
    • Step 5 - Click Show entities to see the newly created/updated entities in the applicable Main Screen grid.[4] 

    Import Wizard Step 5.


    [1] The IMS importer will automatically detect the import type if the Excel file name prefix is not altered. For example, the Schedule import template filename starts with Schedule-export-for-import-Metrics which tells the importer that the import type is Schedule and that the Unit of measure used in it belongs to the Metrics system. [2] Validation errors during import can be reviewed after clicking the appropriate buttons.

    This Schedule import attempt resulted in several validation errors.
    • (1) Individual information icons on the top show additional information for every error.

    • (2) The exclamation icon shows all the issues for every row in the import file that did not pass validation.

    The underlying issue is that the specified Equipment can not be found as an incorrect Equipment name has been provided.

    [3] An Excel file with errors and updates can be downloaded by clicking the click here button below the Import Wizard summary. [4] Automatically stored import History can be accessed under Settings\ Import data\ Import History.

    Correctly identifying IMS entities

    IMS entities that have a serial number instead of a custom user-generated name (such as Schedules, ECHs, and Tasks) will be created through the appropriate import type if the respective column in the import file (Schedule, Condition History ID or Unique Task Number to refer to the previous example) is left blank.

    This import file will create one InspectionSchedule on the specified Equipment.

    In other words, if the same template, without the names being provided, is imported two times, two sets of entities with the same information will be created.

    To change/edit entities created through import, you will need to first select all of the newly created entities in the appropriate IMS Main Screen grid (for example, Schedule) and then proceed to Export for Import the data. The template obtained in such a fashion will contain the correct entity names and it can be used for updating the already existing data.

    This import file has been obtained by exporting the created Schedule. The Schedule name is populated with the unique serial number.

    Importing multiple files and sheets 

    Note: Only applicable to FLOCs, Equipment, and Schedules.

    To import multiple files and sheets:

    • Select the Multiple Import Tab.

    • Select all file(s) required.

    • Select the Sheets and Import type for each file.

    • Click Next to follow the rest of the Import Wizard steps.

    Multiple Import. 

    Data cannot be deleted via Import


    The import functionality cannot be used to delete data. If you leave a field in the import file blank, the import will only skip that field. The value will not be deleted in IMS. Where appropriate, a dash - can be used to set the field value to default.

    Export for Import

    Most IMS grids allow the data to be exported into an export-for-import template and imported back by using the import functionality, e.g. RBI, CCAM, etc.

    For example, for RBI the export for import functionality is available on the RBI grid. You can select this option from the RBI main grid toolbar, in the export option. When this option is selected, data will be exported in the fully detailed RBI import template format. You can then use this Excel sheet to modify existing assessments or apply / copy assessments to compatible Components.

    Export to Import RBI Analyses.

    Another example is CCAM data, which can be exported from the Equipment Main Screen grid. Data can then be modified in the Excel file and imported back into IMS.

    Export to Import CCAM. 

     Also, RCM Analyses can be exported for import.

    Importing RCM Data

    In Importing RCM Data you will find additional guidance on RCM data imports.

    Importing Specs

    There are two options for exporting and importing Specs in IMS.

    Legacy Spec import type

    Take Note

    Legacy Spec export only supports preconfigured Spec types, which depend on the selected Location Type and the Equipment Group. Only a limited set of Specs are preconfigured, and both the Location Type and Equipment Group have to match, for Equipment Specs to be exportable.

    Floc/Equipment Specs Templates can be generated from the FLOC or Equipment Main Screen. 

    For these templates, you need to select the Floc/Equipment Specs import type. Considering that the Legacy Spec export is heavily dependent on the configuration, a blank import template is not available.

    Select Floc/Equipment Specs import type.

    Hierarchy Spec import type

    The other option for Exporting and Importing Specs is the Hierarchy Spec Export. This generic Spec import type supports all IMS entities that can have specs, i.e., Flocs, Equipment, Components, Circuits, and CMLs. However, for the time being, the export option is only available on Flocs and Equipment.

    Exporting Specs for Import on Flocs.

    The advantage of the Hierarchy Spec import type is that it is not limited to a preconfigured set of Specs, nor are there any limitations on Hierarchy.

    Download the Hierarchy specs template

    To learn more about importing and exporting Hierarchy Specs see Hierarchy Spec Import.

    Importing Piping Systems

    To add Piping Systems using the Import Wizard, download the Piping System template and follow the instructions included in the Excel template.

    To re-assign pipes from one piping system to another, two import actions are needed: 

    • Add a row to the template to remove a piece of Equipment from an existing Piping System.

    • Add a second row to assign that piece of Equipment to another Piping System. 

    The piping template contains further instructions and examples.

    Follow the Instructions to re-assign pipes. 

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