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The tables in the Inspection/Schedules section of the Settings Menu are used widely throughout IMS and are being used for configuration per Hierarchy Type. The information that is being maintained is mainly related to schedules and includes information such as Event Types, Extension/Deferral reasons, Inspection Types, Schedule Categories and Drivers, Special emphasis, and Inspection Time Intervals.
These subsections can be maintained by CSA and INSP ADMIN users.
Here the Activities can be viewed/edited/added/deleted. Activities can be linked to a specific methodology, e.g., RCM or SIS. They are related to Schedule and ECH Tasks. Only the non-expired Activities can be used in Schedules and ECHs.
Take Note
When importing Activities, use the “Activity Definition” Template. The Template will ask you to enter the Activity’s Methodology. Here you need to enter a Bitmask Number. Check the Bitmask numbers of IMS Methodologies in the table below:
For Activities with more than one Methodology, the Bitmask number is calculated by adding the corresponding numerical values.
An activity exclusively in PEI: Bitmask Number = 1
An activity in both PEI and RCM: Bitmask Number = 3 (1 + 2)
An activity spanning RCM, SIS, and PLSS: Bitmask Number = 22 (2 + 4 + 16)
Coming Events
Here the Coming Event Types can be viewed/edited/added/deleted.
Current Events
Here the Current Events can be viewed/edited/added/deleted.
Insp. Corr. Reason
Here the Inspection Corrosion Reasons can be viewed/edited/added/deleted.
Insp. Ext. Reason
Here the Inspection Extension Reasons can be viewed/edited/added/deleted.
Inspection Reason
Here the Inspection Reasons can be viewed/edited/added/deleted.
Inspection Types
Here the Inspection Types can be viewed/edited/added/deleted.
To speed up Schedule creation, default data can be defined here for the following fields:
Schedule Driver.
Responsible Discipline.
Schedule Category.
User NID.
Note: This data can also be defined in Configuration \ Configuration per Hierarchy Type (see Configuration per Hierarchy Type – Inspection Types). To prefill the above fields, IMS will first check if default values are defined in the Configuration and use that, if not defined there, the default values from Inspection/Schedules Settings will be used.
SAP Status
Here the SAP Statuses can be viewed/edited/added/deleted.
Schedule Category
Here the Schedule Categories can be viewed/edited/added/deleted.
The default Schedule Categories are:
Category 1 – Integrity Issue
Category 2 – Reliability Issue
Category 3 - Long Term Inspection or Reliability Issue
The CSA can add new Categories and also assign Business logic to determine when to show Categories.
To learn more about Schedule Categories see Creating Schedules.
Schedule Driver
Here the Schedule Drivers can be viewed/edited/added/deleted.
Special Emphasis
Here the Special Emphasis categories can be viewed/edited/added/deleted. A Special Emphasis provides a way to designate a Risk Based Maximum Inspection Intervals (MII) for a corrosion Circuit (see Corrosive Deadlegs - Step 12) or an Inspection Schedule. A Special Emphasis can be assigned to a Circuit or an Inspection Schedule on the Circuit Details Page or the Schedule Details Page (see Assigning Special Emphasis to a Circuit or Inspection Schedule). This is only available for Circuits or recurring Inspection Schedules belonging to a Pipe or Piping System Equipment. For each, a Default Interval and a Max Interval are configured in Settings \ Configuration \ Configuration per Hierarchy Type (see Configuration per Hierarchy Type).
For more information see PEI Special Emphasis.
Insp. Time Interval
Here the Inspection Time Intervals can be viewed/edited/added/deleted.
Schedule and ECH codes
Here the Schedule and ECH codes can be viewed/edited/added/deleted.
ECH Codes Config
This is where the configured Checklists are listed.