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The Schedules Main screen shows an overview grid, with a list of Schedules.
Listing Schedules (the Overview Grid)
To see the list of registered Schedules:
Go to the IMS Main Menu.
Click Schedules to go to the Schedules main screen.

Click on the Schedules Main menu, to list all Schedules.
Use the scoping bar, the filter, or the search functionality to list the desired Schedules.

Find Schedules using the scoping bar / filter / search functionality.
Each record shows several fields, summarizing the Schedules (see the table below). To see more, click on the Settings icon in the toolbar and add additional fields.

Click on the settings icon to modify the grid.
Default Schedules data in the Schedule record:
Column | Description |
Active | The Active flag shows for each Schedule whether it is active or inactive:
Source | Not applicable to all modules. Indicates if the source is CMMS or User-created. |
Schedule | Name and ID of the Schedule. The name can start with: DFLT for default Schedule INSP for inspection Schedule CORR for a corrosion Schedule CAIR for a CAIR RBI Reassessment for an RBI analysis |
Description | A description specified by the user. |
Responsible Person | The user who is responsible for the Schedule. |
Unit | The unit name. |
Equipment ID | Equipment to which the Schedule is assigned to, click on the Equipment ID to open the Equipment details. |
Circuit | The Circuit name for Corrosion Schedules. |
Schedule Type | The Schedule type: Default, Inspection, Corrosion, CAIR or RBI Reassessment. |
Scope | PLSS Specific: Type of activities that need to be completed (e.g. Underwater Activities, Assessment, Testing, Overlands Survey, Inspection…). |
Plan codes | PLSS Specific: Specific activities that need to be completed (e.g. Valve Partial Closure Test, CP Test Post Survey, Valve Leak Test(Volume)) |
Schedule Category | Category of the Schedule specified by user:
Category1 is the default (this has been set in Settings \ Maintenance \ Inspection/Schedules \ Schedule Category). For more information on the Categories see Creating Schedules (Inspection, CAIR, and RBI Re-Assessment). |
Last Insp Date | Last inspection date on recurring Schedules for which a previous Schedule was already credited. |
Next Insp. Date | The Schedule’s Next Inspection Date (NID). |
Exact Time Interval | Exact Time Interval |
Pending Status | The status of the Schedule (e.g. None, Recalculation, Extension, Insp Complete, or Sched Edit / New Insp). You can also use the filter to only show Schedules with a specific status. |
Status | The current Approval status of the event. |
Discipline | The relevant Discipline to which the Schedule belongs. See IMS Schedules and ECHs across Discipline. |
Campaign name | PLSS Specific: The name of the Campaign the Schedule is assigned to, click on the Campaign name to open the Campaign details. |
Campaign status | PLSS Specific: The Status of the Campaign the Schedule is assigned to (e.g. Open, Closed). |
Campaign type | PLSS Specific: The Type of the Campaign the Schedule is assigned to e.g. (CP Testpost Survey, Corrosion Assessment Pipelines, Underwater Eq. Activities) |
Legal / local inspection / jurisdiction | Legal / local inspection / jurisdiction. |
SAP Order Nbr. | The SAP Order Number. |
SAP Notification Number | The SAP Notification Number. |
Rec. | Recurring Schedule (true/false). |
Off. | Offline Schedule (true/false). |
Intr. | Intrusive Schedule (true/false). |
BNID | Before Next Inspection Date |
Calendar | Shows a timeline for the Next Inspection Date (NID). |
ANID | After Next Inspection Date |
Nr. Of Attachments | Number of attachments |
Time interval | Schedule time interval for recurring Schedules. |
Labels | Custom labels which can be assigned to each record. |
Has WOP | Shows if Schedule is marked for Waiting on Paperwork (WOP). |
WOP Status | Categorization of how long the Schedule is pending for WOP, e.g. “0-30 days”, “30-90 days”, “Overdue” |
Corrosion Loop | |
Coming event date | The date of the first coming event, e.g. turnaround will show here |
MTO | Manage Threats and Opportunities |
MOC | Management of Change |
Supervision | Applicable when Witnessing is enabled. |
Authority | Applicable when Witnessing is enabled. |
Inspection Reason | You can also show the Inspection Reason (inherited from the FLOC) here. This column is hidden by default but can be made visible through Settings. |
Schedules Menu Toolbar
There are several shortcuts or available features that the Schedule toolbar can be used for. For more information on the toolbar see IMS Main Screen (Grid List).
Assigning Responsible Person
The Schedule Menu Toolbar allows you to assign the Responsible Person to Schedules in bulk. To add the Responsible person button to your toolbar see Configuring Toolbar.
To assign the Responsible Person to Schedules:
Select the Schedules you want to assign the Responsible Person to.
Click on the Responsible Person button
in the Toolbar.
In the popup window the Responsible Person field will be prefilled with your username. You can also type another inspector's username here or Search for it using the Search feature.
Click Save.
The Responsible Person field will be prefilled with your username. Use the Search feature to search for a username or type it in and then click Save.
"Easy Capturing of Findings" View
IMS provides a simplified view of the Schedules where you can capture finding click the Easy capturing finings for multiple equipment button. For more information, see Easy Capturing of Findings View.
Filtering Schedules
From the Schedules overview page, several filters can be used to drill down the search results for the shown list of Schedules.
To filter a list:
Click on the filter button.
Check the filters that you want to use and click Show ….; or
Select a range and click the green arrow.
For more information on filters see IMS Main Screen (Grid List).