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Creating Schedules
  • 30 Jan 2025
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Creating Schedules

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Article summary

This article will explain how to create a new Schedule and also discuss the different Schedule properties.

Creating Schedules

There are several places in the application from where you can add a new Inspection Schedule, for example:



Schedules Main Screen grid

(Header bar)

Equipment Main Screen grid

(Side info bar)

Equipment Details Page

(Schedules section)

ECH Details Page

(Created Schedules section)

Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generated

To create a Schedule:

  • Click the Plus button to create a new Schedule.

  • Enter the required data in the pop-up window. See the table below.

  • Click Save when done.

The new Schedule will be created, and you will be redirected to the Detail Page of the Schedule that was just created.

Scheduled properties

Schedule pop-up fields:



Equipment ID

This field is auto-populated based on the object from which you are creating the Schedule. Note: Only in RCM you can select either Equipment or FLOC as the parent.


Hierarchy path for this Schedule (read-only).

Corrosion Loop

You can link the Schedule to a Corrosion Loop.

Schedule Type

The available Schedule types depend on your Discipline and the currently selected IMS module.


Free text input descriptive text [1]. For RBI Re-Assessment by default set to RBI RE-ASSESSMENT.


Newly created Schedules are created as inactive until they are approved as active.

TA Candidate

Turn Around (TA Candidate) [1] drop-down menu with the following options: 

  • "-".

  • TA Candidate.

  • Not TA Candidate.

If "-" is selected, the Schedule wasn't assessed to require TA yet. (See Tying Schedules to Upcoming Events.) 


Shut-in [1] candidate drop down menu with the following options:

  • “-”

  • “Yes”

  • “No”


Whether the inspection requires scaffolding (true/false)[1]. If ticked, the information will be sent to CMMS as a description.


Whether the inspection is Intrusive (true/false).


Recurring Schedule (true/false). If this is set to true, an Interval will also be required. Note: CAIRS and CORRECTIVE Schedules cannot be recurring while Corrosion Schedules are mandatorily recurring.


Whether the inspection has to be carried out while the Equipment is offline (true/false). If it is ticked it can be used for filtering.

Legal / local inspection

Legal / local inspection (jurisdiction). If it is ticked it can be used for filtering.

CMMS Tracking ID

CMMS Tracking ID. Only for sites linked with CMMS. Here the CMMS Tracking ID can be filled in. Otherwise, the tracking ID will start with 11 followed by the schedule number.


See IMS Schedules and ECHs across Discipline[1].

Schedule Driver

The Schedule Driver is used to indicate what triggers the Schedule. For RBI Re-Assessment this is, by default, set to RBI – Asset (Economic). For CAIRs, by default, set to RECOMMENDATION. The Schedule Driver is updated based on the worst RBI Consequence Category when the scope of an RBI Analysis is linked to a Schedule.

Resp. Discipline

Responsible Discipline. (For RBI Re-Assessment this is, by default, set to EI ONLY. For Inspections and CAIRs, by default, set to ME AND EI.)

Note: For sites where IMS is linked to SAP, ME or PLSS and ME must be selected to trigger the SAP notification to support the work needed to perform the inspection or repair.

Schedule Category

This property is used to prioritize Schedules, helping to distinguish between integrity-related tasks and long-term inspections. To learn more see below.


Manage Threats & Opportunities[1]. If ticked a text can be added.


Management of Change[1].  If ticked a text can be added.

User Date

A User Date may be provided[2].

Event Date

You can search for a Planned Event[1]. By default, the Planned Events for the Unit will show. See Tying Schedules to Upcoming Events.

User interval

This field is only available if the Schedule is Recurring. If available, you can also select the default[3].

Static Schedule

Only available for Recurring Schedules. See Defining Static Schedules.

Max interval

You can indicate if the Max interval may be exceeded. Max interval is defined in the default settings.

SAP Release Date

SAP Release Date. This date must be in the future and after the NID.

Ignore RBI Interval/NID

If ticked, the RBI NID / MII will be ignored in the Schedule’s NID horserace. Note: CAIR schedules do not allow RBI NIID / MII mandatorily.

Next Inspection date

This cannot be edited but will depend on the NID horserace.

Responsible Person

You can assign a Responsible Person. See IMS4Field.

Part of

This field is only available if the Schedlue is part of a Compaign or a Job.

Is this a Temporary repair?

The Temporary Repair Dynamic Form Checklist is only available for CAIRs with the Is this a Temporary repair? option ticked.

Temporary repair Class

When Temporary repair is ticked, the class may be selected.

Applicable AREA 

The Area-FLOC to which the Equipment is assigned (only shown if available). Only available for the CAIR Schedules if the Schedule Driver is Fabric Maintenance and the Available Area exists).


For Fabric Maintenance. Discipline needs to be Fabric Maintenance and Schedules Driver needs to be Fabric Maintenance


Applicable when Witnessing is enabled. (Only available for Inspection and CAIR Schedules.)


Applicable when Witnessing is enabled. (Only available for Inspection and CAIR Schedules.)


Custom labels may be assigned to each record.

Add to scope

Only applicable for PEI and Civil. You can select Component-DM combinations to add to the Schedule scope. You can also do this later. Only Components linked to this Equipment will be available. By default, the General Component is selected, but RBI Analyses may not be created on General Components.

Special Emphasis

In the case of Pipe and Pipe System Equipment, the Special Emphasis can be populated (when there is no pending event). The classification chosen determines the Maximum Inspection Interval (MII) allowed for the recurring Inspection Schedule. Note: Only applicable to recurring Inspection Schedules.

[1] This information can also be added later in the Schedule Details without reapproving the Schedule.
[2] IMS will require that at least one NID is provided, whether it is coming from the User Date, RBI NID or the Time interval.
[3] IMS will require that at least one Interval is provided on recurring Schedules, whether it is coming from User Interval, Default Interval, or RBI Interval.

Schedule Categories

From the start, IMS has used the "Schedule Category" property to prioritize Schedules, helping to distinguish between integrity-related tasks and long-term inspections.

You can specify your Schedule's Category in the Schedule details, either during creation or afterward.

The standard Schedule Categories in IMS are:

  • Category 1: Integrity

  • Category 2: Reliability

  • Category 3: Long-term reliability

By default, Category 1 is set for Inspection and CAIR Schedules during creation, while Category 2 is set for RBI Re-Assessments. These defaults are managed in Settings Maintenance Inspection/Schedules \ Schedule Category.

Take Note

The standard Schedule Categories listed here may vary at your site. To view your site-specific Categories and defaults, go to Settings Maintenance Inspection/Schedules \ Schedule Category.

Category 1

Category 1 deals with Integrity issues. The required work has a fixed due date (non-priority based) which reflects the date by which the results of the activity should be complete to prevent an Integrity issue within the premised run length. Also, this involves work required to maintain the license to operate Equipment beyond the due date of compliance to code or legal requirements. Legal auditing is carried out for this category.

Scope or Due date of a Cat 1 can be challenged and optimized, but changes are only made by EI and require an extension per an official process.

Category 2

Category 2 deals with Reliability issues. The required work has a proposed due date (priority-based) which reflects the date by which the results of the activity should be complete to prevent a Reliability issue within the premised run-length. Note that as time goes by, a Category 2 job could be upgraded to Category 1.

Scope or due date of a Cat 2 can be challenged and optimized and changes can be made by ME with EI input.

Category 3

Category 3 deals with long-term reliability and infrastructure issues. The required work has a proposed due date (priority based) which reflects the date by which the activity should be complete to prevent a longer term, life cycle and infrastructure issues. Note that as time goes by a Cat. 3 job could be upgraded to Cat. 1.

Scope and due date of a Cat 3 can be challenged and optimized and changes can be made by ME with EI input.

These categories have been defined to manage significant differences in “Aim of the Request”, “Who can change dates & scopes” and “Management of Metrics”. This is summarized in the table below.

Schedule Categories Summarized



Who can Change

Overdue EI Metric



EI (with ME)

Zero target, report to Sr Management



ME (with EI)

Zero target, report to PU Manager


Long term

ME (with EI)

PU target, report to PU Engineer

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