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Step H: Approving ECHs (& Editing & Backout)
  • 07 Sep 2024
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Step H: Approving ECHs (& Editing & Backout)

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Article summary

When the ECH report has been reviewed (and corrections made if needed), the ECH must be Final Approved.

Final Approving ECHs

To Approve an ECH:

  • Click Approve to Approve the ECH.
Click on Approve to Approve the ECH.

For more information on the Approval Work Process and Inspection Events see Approving ECHs.

Once the ECH is FINAL APPROVED, the following actions will take place:

  • If the ECH includes Credited Schedules, these will be updated using an Inspection Complete Event, which will be FINAL APPROVED on the final approval of the ECH. The Schedule will be updated accordingly:
    • Active status: Schedule being credited will become inactive.
    • LID: The Condition Date of the ECH will be the Last Inspection Date of the Schedule.
    • NID: The Schedule is credited, thus there will not be any Next Inspection Date anymore unless the Schedule is recurring. In this case a new Event or inspection Schedule will be created automatically.
  • If the Credited Schedules are Recurring Schedules, a new Schedule will be created automatically. This will be a copy of the credited Schedule updated with:
    • SAP Release Date (if applicable): SAP Status will be PENDING and the new SAP Release Date will be calculated based on the interval set in Application Settings.
SAP Release Date will be calculated based on the interval set in Application Settings. 
    • Active status: The new created Schedule will be Active and ADMIN FINAL APPROVED.
    • LID: Condition Date of the ECH will be the Last Inspection Date of the Schedule.
    • NID: The new NID will be calculated based on the time intervals and the ECH Condition Date / Schedule Last Inspection Date.
  • All Schedules Created from the ECH(normally CAIRs) will be Approved automatically.
    • Once an ECH is Final Approved, the Approval sidebar will show the remaining options on the ECH: Backout or Edit Condition History.

To learn about what will happen in terms of RBI for PEI Schedules see Crediting Schedules.

Editing ECHs

It is possible to Edit an ECH that was Final Approved.

Click Edit to Edit a Final Approved ECH.

The following happens when an ECH is put back in Edit mode:

  • The ECH goes back to Writer Approved status.
ECH goes back to Writer Approved status. 
  • You can now Edit the following sections:
    • Inspection data and codes
    • Drawings and Documents
    • Narrative
    • Comment
    • Attachments
  • You cannot Edit:
    • Schedules Credited
    • Created Schedules
  • You can also not delete the ECH when in this status.

Remember to Final Approve the ECH again when done!

Note: it is always possible to edit the ECH Description.

Backing out of ECHs

It is also possible to Backout an ECH that was Final Approved. Not all users can do this. This privilege is determined by the user’s role, e.g. INSP GENERAL.

Graphical user interface, text, application, Teams  Description automatically generatedClick Backout to backout a Final Approved ECH.

Possible reasons for a Backout can be:

  • The incorrect Equipment ID was used.
  • The wrong Schedule was credited and needs to be removed from the ECH.
  • The Condition Date on the ECH is incorrect.

The following happens when an ECH is Backed out:

  • The ECH goes back to Writer Approved status.
  • The automatically created (recurring) Schedules are removed. The User created Schedules, however, will still be available.
  • You can now Edit the Schedules Credited and Created Schedules sections (i.e. Credit different Schedules and create new Schedules). Note: You cannot do this when you just go back to Edit mode.
  • The Disapprove button becomes available:
    • If you click this button, the ECH will go back to Draft status.
    • The ECH can then be deleted. Note: This way you can create a new ECH with the correct Condition Date, or for the correct Equipment.
    • This will also enable you to change ECH details other than the Description field, such as Condition Date and Resp Inspector.
Take Note
Already Approved CAIRs will not be affected.

Remember to Final Approve the ECH again when done!

For more information on the Backout as part of the Approval Work Process and Inspection Events see Approving ECHs.


You can add additional Approval steps for an ECH by enabling Witnessing for the ECH.

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