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IMS Developer Portal Overview
This section of the Handbook explains how to use the IMS Developer Portal
The IMS Developer Portal acts as a bridge between IMS and developers, allowing third parties to develop apps that can access and use the data stored and managed in IMS.
This section of the Handbook contains:
An overview of the Developer Portal.
An explanation on how to access the Developer Portal.
Information on authenticating with the CenAuth Service.
Instruction on how to submit data requests.
IMS Developer Portal Overview
A developer portal, in general acts as a bridge between an application (IMS in this case) and developers that want to make use of the capabilities of the application or the data managed by the application.
The IMS Developer Portal, provides our clients with significant benefits, including:
Centralized Access to Resources
The IMS Developer Portal provides a central location for developers to find all the resources they need for their integration projects, including:
API documentation
Code samples
Getting started guides.
These tools can help developers save time and frustration by eliminating the need to hunt for information.
Improved Developer Experience
IMS’s developer portal offers a smooth and user-friendly experience, including clear and concise documentation, and easy-to-use tools. Cenosco hopes that through improving the developer experience, we can encourage more developers build effective integrations, leading to a better experience for our users.
Easier adoption and integration of IMS into your workflow
Cenosco has worked hard to ensure that it is easier for you to understand and use IMS’s APIs to help you build and extend new and improved applications to make use of IMS’s unparalleled data and tools.
Read on to learn about Accessing the IMS Developer Portal.