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Methodology Step 5
  • 09 Aug 2024
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Methodology Step 5

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Article summary

Step 5 Review the Inspection History and Credit the DM:

Below the Step 5 Methodology is described. See also Software Step 5.

It is important to review the available Equipment Condition Histories (ECHs) and associated CircuitsCalculation Summaries (in case of Corrosion) at the start of an RBI Assessment, to understand the Condition of each Components and its applicable DMs, to be risks assessed. By applying an ECH and Calc Summary, this information is linked to the RBI Assessment.

Most importantly, the RBI methodology requires the Last Inspection Date (LID) for each DM (per Component). For this, the applied ECH or Calc Summary date will be used.

Automatic vs Manual Applying

ECH: When an ECH credits a Schedule, with an RBI assessment in scope, it will automatically be applied in the RBI Inspection History, as soon as the ECH is Approved. Thus, the new ECH inspection date will then automatically be used as the RBI LID.

Otherwise, e.g., when an inspector uses a GENERAL Component to credit the inspecting of an RBI Damage Mechanism, the Inspection History must be applied manually.

Calc Summary: Also, when a Component is set to inherit from a Circuit (Step 1), that Circuit’s Calc Summary will be applied automatically in the RBI Inspection History, as soon as the Calc Summary is Approved. Thus, the Calc Summaries’ LID will then automatically be used as the RBI LID.

Thus, in Step 13, after the inspection was executed, and the ECH / Calc Summary is Approved, the Inspection History will automatically be updated and thus the RBI LID.

Specific Guidance Summary

Guidance per Special Emphasis (see table below) gives additional information with regards to Special Emphasis Components.

Specific guidance summary - Inspection History:

DM / Special Emphasis Component



For Tank Components, the Inspection History must be used to capture the Actual Wall Thickness at the time of the inspection. This is required for the Load Case Calculations.

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