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Creating new PLSS Systems
  • 04 Nov 2024
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Creating new PLSS Systems

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Article summary

Take note
This overview will explain how to create a new PLSS System.

Before you can create a System, i.e., an Equipment with Equipment Group "PLSS System", its parent, System FLOC, has to be present in the IMS-PLSS database. 

Creating System-FLOCs

To create a FLOC see Creating PLSS FLOCs. Make sure to select "PLSS SYSTEM-FLOC" for the Location Type.

Create a new FLOC by clicking on the Plus icon. 

Fill in the FLOC's details.
Take Note
The Location Type is PLSS SYSTEM-FLOC.

Creating System-Equipment

There are two different options for creating new Systems, i.e., Equipment with Equipment Group "PLSS System":

1. From the System-FLOC Details Page by clicking on +New Equipment.

Click New Equipment on the FLOC Details Page.

Then the Parent Id (the "PLSS SYSTEM FLOC" Id) is already filled in, and the "PLSS SYSTEM " Equipment Group is already selected.

2. From the Systems Main Screen (Grid List):

To create a new System from the Systems Main Screen (Grid List):

Click on the Plus button.

Click the plus button in the Systems Main Screen.

A pop-up will appear for filling in the System details.

  • Fill in the details of your System. 
  • Set the Equipment Group to "PLSS SYSTEM".
Creating a System Equipment.
Take Note
The Parent Id must be a "PLSS SYSTEM FLOC" Id and the Equipment Group will then automatically be "PLSS SYSTEM".
 After clicking Save the PLSS System Equipment will be created and you will be redirected to the PLSS System Details Page.


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